I don’t know yet what the faves are although I do have some preferences. I’ve been updating my Jamuary2025SoFar file daily and so far it’s one big file of 76 minutes.
See you at your Discord, expecting new challenges to be announced!
The samples one was really fun, I even used them again Jamuary 18 at 1:38 and probably will again in the future
i was new to #jamuary and startet making music 5 years ago. I enjoyed the task of doing musik every day and FINISHING it in some way. For shure i didn’t manage to fullfill the prompts for all days, still 7 days missing.
But i feel nourished doing things i like with others. You all made this possible. Enjoy youselfes and acknowledge what has been invested by you. Wow.
And i thank a lot to you who keep this idea alive and running every year. For shure i will join #jamuary2026.
This was really fun! I’m another first timer. I started building my portable and battery powered dawless setup maybe 6 months ago. Went through few Volcas and pocket operators, but now I feel my setup is ready for now. Circuit Tracks, Microfreak and tow Rolands S-1 and P-6. I learned a lot about my gear during this challenge and like how fast and easy I can start making music with this setup. I can also take my whole setup to sofa or bed if I feel like it
It was fun to listen all of your songs at work. It was interesting to see how differently we all approach the prompts. Surely will participate next year also!
Yeah thanks to @beto! Enjoyed this month of jamming with you all. It went by quick! I hope to see you again next Jamuary!
Speaking of collabs, I participate in FAWM.org February Album Writing Month which starts tomorrow if any of you are interested. Lots of different music there, but plenty of synth stuff too. You can really do whatever you want musically.
Thanks everyone, I had a blast as always. Really appreciate everyone who posted and totally look forward to catching up and listening to all the tracks!
See you all next year!
@beto - Thanks for hosting this again. How long are you planning to keep the site live?
Thanks @Beto for hosting this again. This is my 3rd Jamuary, and its really added an element of Joy to my life year round. I haven’t distilled which of my tracks are my favorite yet from this year, but its fun listening back from previous years and seeing the progress. Very great practice and transformative experience for me. In 2023, I had just got a hand-me-down OP-Z and a key step pro, in 2024 I added mic vocal FX and the KO2… by the time this year rolled around I am building out a Modular setup and received the incredibly generous gift of an OP-XY. It’s definitely not all about the gear, but the challenge of navigating new sonic frontiers has been a cathartic experience for me, and I can’t wait to see where I am at next year!
Wow, time flies when you’re having fun! Huge thanks to @beto for setting up the website and prompts. This was my second Jamuary, and what a journey it’s been! I spent an average of two hours every evening playing music with intention, always trying something new—but it’s funny how I keep gravitating back to what I know works (kinda).
Big thanks to everyone for the likes and comments—they’re a huge motivator! Sorry if I haven’t been very chatty, I’ve been swamped with stuff. I really enjoyed listening to your tracks, and I have to admit, I’m slightly envious of all those videos with the amazing setups.
For those interested, here’s the playlist of me following Beto’s beat:
Thanks @MyopicMycelium for your feedback , and Thanks @beto for all the work on prompts and the site. This was my first Jamuary, didn’t get every day, but maybe next year. I learned a lot about the Deluge, and also realized some encoder issues with the one I have that will need to be worked on. (I did pick up a 2nd one used that does not have the issues) @MyopicMycelium,I joined your Discord and am looking forward to some interesting challenges. As for my favorite, right now I can’t say, many of them have parts I really like, that I might try to pull out and do something more with down the road. Unfortunately I don’t have a lot of free time, so have not gotten to listen to all the jams that have been posted, but have been amazed at the variety of the ones I have had a chance to listen to and will be spending some time in the future listing to ones I have not yet had a chance to. Looking forward to next year.
That was a whole lot of fun! It certainly took over my January in a way I didn’t really want it to but I have so much fun making music I was kind of fine with it. I really enjoyed some of the prompts even if I didn’t fully fulfil them as much as I wanted… some of the fixed scales were pretty punishing with my limited music theory skills… stoically trying to stay entirely diatonic and wondering why it was so hard to make something I like. Major scales in particular… I think I wrote more songs in a major key this month than in my entire life.
I have a couple of jams that might qualify as my favourite… a solid albums worth that I would happily develop a bit further (once I finish the projects I was working on before January) but I think my Repetition piece from 9th January was the my favourite. It was based on a pre conceived idea for something I wanted to do during the month but it worked really well I think.
I know we don’t this for feedback necessarily but I can see that not many really listened to what I posted, not sure if it was down to the incorrect link methodology I followed or because I didn’t have the time to interact much on here (because all my free time was spent trying to write a song each day!). In my head the mixdowns were so unlistenably bad that people would rather say nothing than lie about them but that’s a me problem from all angles.
Thanks to Beto for putting this together for us all and thanks to everyone for jamming! Happy rest-of-2025 to one and all.
It was a first one for me as well, and there’s no doubt in me I’ll participate again next year. My main only goal this year was to just make some music every day to get the creative juices flowing again.
In hindsight I would have liked to participate more in the communal aspect of the challenge and give (more) meaningful comments on everyone’s work but that’s something that doesn’t come natural to me and often I just couldn’t find the time/energy after completing the tasks of the day.
Thank you to all of who participated in one way or another, I can truly say this Jamuary has enriched my life.
@MyopicMycelium thanks for the invite, I’m not on discord a lot but maybe I’ll give it a go again. Anyway I joined your server.
I probably explained it poorly, but I was hoping to see what jam of their own they liked. I think it’s an interesting phenomenon to see that a musician/producer hate one of their creations, yet other people love it.
@SQG I don’t think your jams were terrible or unlistenable at all! I totally understand the feeling though. Last year, I made it my mission to do a jam every year and comment on everyone’s tracks. This year, there was more people participating on the site and some days I spent almost as much time making the jam as I did listening to other people’s stuff. It was hard to give meaningful feedback too, but I tried to at least comment! I missed some days though, just cause life gets in the way and I’m sure that was the case for others. Try not to let the self-deprication override the awesome achievement of finishing jamuary!
Also I didn’t have any issues with your links going to soundcloud.
Got my Jamuary album ready! Next Friday it’ll be available on all streaming platforms. Until then, just bandcamp for now! Almost 3 full hours of music!