I had limited time to create a track today, so I ended up making one earlier with the 2024 prompt since I didn’t participate last year - Can’t wait to hear what everyone else does!
Jamuary 2024 Day 11 Prompt: GO BIG!
BPM: 130
Mood: majestic
I wanted to make it sound like the end of big anthemic song with multiple false endings
Equipment: Elektron Digitakt II, Digitone II, Moog Minitaur, & Roland JU-06A
Jamuary 2025 - E Diminished Frippertronics. One Guitar with Tonex One into TC Flashback II
One take.
No overdubs.
I used the 2290 Tone Print selection with the full 7 second delay time and with feedback on 11 until near the end. Then I reduced the feedback then to allow the repeats to fade away.
Day 11. Something different today. This morning I went to visit my friend. We had a coffee and pulled up tarot card which are based on the Finnish national epic; Kalevala. Cards told me that I am a blackbird and at the moment I need other blackbirds around me. This song was heavily inspired by this. I wanted some vocals and started playing around with Microfreak’s vocoder. Audio clips a little, but I didn’t mind, I think it works well in this context. No rhythm instruments at all and the whole song is kind of unrhythmic. Tempo is 87 bpm and key is F diminished.
Day 11 of #jamuary2025 and I am not using the #synthstromdeluge today. Decided to play with pedals for this prompt. Using Jamuary.org one for using a diminished chord. I did, ran it into a sample sustainer pedal, then a #bosssy1 then #bosssl2. Then for a finishing touch just a little reverb from the #empresszoia. Then proceeded to mangle things a little.
Got two days of tracks to check out, bit tired right now but I will do it first thing tomorrow morning with a big cup of coffee
Keep up the creativity you awesome people!
I had to break out the music theory for this one! But I figured out a relatively solid guitar part to go with some half-diminished chords. This is also my first time using my acoustic guitar for this Jamuary so I spent a bit of time dialing in that recording setup.
so this is diminished and I think that might be the name of the film for which this is the soundtrack. really happy with the recording quality, dynamics and movement. less happy with there being any resolution and feel like it needed some more melodic variation which isn’t usually my thing. totally loving these prompts and getting in the habit of recording.
part way through a temporary packup of everything - cracked out the monomachine for a change (still unsure if I will sell it) alongside the Perkons (still very much learning this one). fun times.
Started by jamming out and tidying up a progression to fulfil the prompt. Used nymphes for this, this time testing out the tracking of the filter at max resonance. Perfect, and I even managed to sneak in some oscillators and filter modulation… just needed a bit more nudging of the slider and some help from a tuner. This little box continues to amaze.
Ran out of steam a bit after that so raided old future music cd for some drum sounds and then added the phoned in bass and pad. Less said about the rest the better… it’s 2am now, weekend is not good for jamuary!
Hope I have more time tomorrow because that’s an interesting prompt.
Mm, not super thrilled with this one. I messed up one of my drum patterns when copying and it seems kinda repetitive. Will try something different tomorrow!