Prompt: write a jam where two or more elements are not clocked together, and drift apart
Key: Eb minor
BPM: 110-140?
I have been working on some of my older Teensy controlled launchpad games. This one now controls more synths than the original. My tenuous connection to the prompt with this one is that the melody (while staying on the beat) starts at different times to the main sequence depending on when I fire the missile.
Music generated by playing Space Invaders (Badly) on a Launchpad.
That was FUN!
This is the kinda jam I would otherwise never have done myself.
used the Ambient0 on 90 BPM and Megasynthesis on 120.
recorded a session and after that I did 2 dubs, once with the Crave and another one with the Ambient 0 again on 240 BPM.
Very interesting Jam which I am going to experiment more in the future!
Watching this live session felled like watching a game of Arkanoid!
Very fun setup, it also makes me wonder how many of these tiny synths you have
keep up the creativity!
Edit: lol you mentioned space invaders yourself which makes total sense, was just typing this while listening and watching, what a cool device! I probably should not have that in my studio, way to much distraction ;p
Once again my day was too crazy to participate in the prompt, but I did manage to make a jam. Last night I photographed the Tycho show and it inspired me to add some guitars (specifically harmonics). Tomorrow I should be back on the prompt track!!
I always unintentionally play drift apart. I’ve tried to recreate that with a patch.
Understandable, The graphic ability of the 8x8 bit screen makes it hard to do great art!
Thanks for your listen and kind words.
I think I can do asynch with transport control and no midi clock but in my very midi controlled electronic studio I don’t have the first idea how to play things that drift apart. Would love any tips on fun/musical ways to do this in the world of synths and drum machines please.
I don’t have a lot of time today so I powered up my Ambient-0 and TextureLab and picked some presets, keymatched them and hit record. Did a fade-out in Bitwig after recording.
The Ambient-0 plays at 120 bpm, it’s actually the first preset I made after I received the unit last summer. The TextureLab plays a pattern I created when i recorded a friend playing guitar, at 110BPM.
I like the concept of this, but I’m not sure how to do it outside of using a DAW…So basically don’t sync up your instruments and then change the tempo of one or more would that be a way of going about this?
Day 12. I used three synths playing the same thing, but in slightly different tempo. The song is 120 bpm and two synth which drift apart are 121 bpm and 122 bpm.
With a DAW you could import an audio loop that is in a different BPM from your song. Or set the song BPM to X, add some sounds, bounce them to audio, change the BPM to Y, and then add more voices.
You could add a drum machine or sequencer that’s in a different BPM and that’s not receiving MIDI clock. Or just play a loop in your phone that’s in a different BPM.
Really enjoyed this jam! 130BPM Eb minor 3 different elements: one manual, two are midi but not sync’d to each other.
Latched random arpeggio on the Roland Fantom X-6, also controlling a Sub Bass sound on the Korg MS2000R.
Programmed a 17 note sequence on the Arturia Microfreak (into glitching Microcosm) which has midi out to the Alesis Nanobass.
Played black keys manually on the Roland A49 controller (running midi into the Fantom), that high melody, and sometimes poorly played soloing.
So, last one for today. Did 3 in a row.
Used two setups Tracks vs Korg MS2K with Drumbrute and Beatstep als Seqencer. 120 and 118 BPM.
Strange. But workung somehow.
Day 12 composition. An ambient piano piece with two repeating patterns playing at different tempos. Listen closely and you’ll hear a 6 note descending motif playing at a constant 110 bpm through out the entire piece, layered with an ascending piano and bass synth arpeggios which gradually increase from 110 bpm to 300 bpm in 5 bpm increments and then slow back down more abruptly at the end.
Music created in Logic Pro. Image created in ChatGPT and video animation created with:
I’m fairly exhausted today and haven’t had a chance to watch people’s videos from yesterday let alone today, but will try to catch up. I did this in my DAW as quickly as possible just using mostly samples just to get something rather than nothing done : )
I kinda get todays prompt and have some glorious memories of once doing a really great asynchronous jam with the MAM SQ16, Roland SP-808 and maybe Yamaha DJX. Today I really struggled. There were a few bits of this jam that didn’t sound like total pants to me and I did make some sounds I was happy with. On reflection after a few of these prompts that I have struggled with I can see how each of them is actually helping me to listen and hear better and become a better musician/producer. Figure I should share in the tradition of Jamuary but would not recommend listening!
This one was tough! I ended up manually tap-tempo-ing my synth to get it to be just out of sync with the drum part. Then I whipped out my Gretsch for the first time in like… 8 months to play some gritty guitar over it.
I’m pleasantly surprised how it turned out: Jan 12
Day 12 of #jamuary2025. prompt of 2 or more elements not clocked together and drift apart. Have the #synthstromdeluge doing a kick 4/4 and a droning lead at 130 bpm. Along with it I have the #empresszoia running the #mothercosmos patch for a bass synth and sequenced by the #oxione at 130.9 bpm. I let this run for 4 minutes.