January 13th, 2025 (pauses)

Prompt: use pauses and silence in a creative way
Key: G minor
BPM: 87

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I maybe went in hard on the guitar for my ā€œpauses and silenceā€ as the prompt made me think of bluesy choppy guitar solos for some reason!

Percussion: Elektron Digitakt II samples made from Superior Drummer.

Keys: Digitone II and Moog Minitaur

Guitar: Tele-partscaster through Twin Bender Fuzz, Delay Llama, and Good Vibes modulator.


I left a bar of silence to go for a coffee.


That 70ā€™s jamā€¦ really nice. :metal:

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Good tracks. Iā€™ll post mine as soon as I can (being a new user).


Ran out of time today so went for a jam on the KOII. I feel it has an empty feel to itā€¦ (If pushed to make something following the prompt)

Jamuary 2025 - KOII - Minimal Japanesish Vibe

Simple empty melodic vibe.


Made a 16 bar pattern and added a bar of silence splitting the last bar. Looped that 4 times, added some automation and recorded a take playing the Minifreak.


Sounds very well mixed and mastered.

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Fresh sounding with the guitar in this synth-world.

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Day 13. Today I struggled the most so far to get this done. The result is short and quite bad little tune. But I did and followed the prompt also. Yay!


I used this prompt to take one day off due to a severe case of loud tinnitus and used this time to work on my pixeled club which has been catching dust for far too long.

Iā€™m prepairing a video to use for streaming on my channel which should play all previous released work.

The track used in the video is PAUSE which was a prompt last year on r/chiptune monthly contest.

Keep up the creativity <3



Prompt: use pauses and silence in a creative way
Key: G minor
BPM: 87

this prompt took me down a new path. got me playing around. was quite fun. not sure if I like the result but I enjoyed the process. thanks again jamuary.org

got creative on the silence bit but learning a bit about how to use the gate on the Reason SSL mixer and then threw around a few basic effects inserts in post.

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Played my Yamaha PSR-W310 keyboard into some loopers. Thereā€™s three separate loops going, one is at half speed. I used pauses but I think I played D and A on this. And I finally made a video. This was the scene reflected out my front window. Iā€™ll post the longer audio version too if anyone wants to zone out to it.

Audio only:

Hereā€™s an alternate version


A terrible jam from me. The idea was to have lots of space between beats etc. But despite being in the same tempo the beat didnā€™t match the synth (wouldā€™ve served better for yesterday!). Then the squeaky noises drew my cat on top of me at which point I gave up!


hey too easy to hate on your own stuff but I actually really enjoyed the melody of this one. Had kind of a creepy shuffle vibe to the whole thing. Great work my dude!

I donā€™t really understand what happened but this ended up sounding a lot better than I expected. Nothing like reverb to make even the spaces between notes sound good.

Jan 13


Using Volca Bass instead of Crave for this one!



Another epic journey. I thought Iā€™d be a smart arse and make my ā€˜silenceā€™ the 0v portion of a rectified square wave, then use that to trigger a sequencer as well as subject the audio to heavy AM. I had a ramp wave speeding the square up until it turned from choppy gated sounding stuff into utter carnage. I had that going into beads and it sounded great. The issue was that the dominant frequency jumping out wasnā€™t anywhere near G minor so I mostly tore it all out (forgetting to record of course). 30 mins later I ended up with a generic arp I could have made in piano roll in 3 minutes.

At least now I had my AM trickery playing the same notes as the pattern. I stuck to my guns with the ā€˜AM is silenceā€™ philosophy and recorded some sections of each pattern through beads doing beads things. The usual afterthought bits thrown in and even a genuine silence for you purists. I think the mixing on this is fairly poor even for me. The lead that comes in toward the end is a good bit too loud. I had fun anyway :smiley:

Edit: listening next morning, you can add ā€˜chord functionā€™ to the list of tenuous things in this one. Yowzers.