January 15th, 2025 (saturation)

Prompt: use some kind of saturation in your jam
Key: E major
BPM: 130

There are several ways of adding saturation to your mix:

  1. Use a free plugin like Softube Saturation Knob, Klanghelm IVGI, or FerricTDS.
  2. Run the audio through a cassette deck, reel-to-reel, guitat pedal, old gear.
  3. Go crazy and resample through speakers, convert to a low bitrate MP3 (maybe just one of the voices), or ask ChatGPT for some suggestions. :slight_smile:
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How about i use all of the saturation in my jam? Older the berry, sweeter the juice!

Percussion was made on the Elektron Digitakt II and the 2 acid bass lines are the Erica Synths Bassline DB-01 and the Moog Minituar


I put an ebow in the fourth string tuned in E. It was pitched one octave down to make it less annoying.


Been busy minding grandchild and I think I missed yesterdays one (Time zones don’t help)
Anyway this one was for 3 voices…

Jamuary 2025 - Memory Game Note Generator with Volca FM, Volca Keys and NTS-1

A Teensy microcontroller interfaces with the launchpad and sequences the synths. A game of Memory (match the colours) is played in the middle region. The main sequence is sent to the Volca FM. The added colours on the edges are the notes for the Volca Keys. The NTS-1 plays notes depending on which square I press in the middle.
The pad on the bottom right resets the game.


That looks so fun!! Very interesting concept :smiling_face:

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Thanks. It almost comes up with good music by itself!

This is fabulous @JoeL8X. Everything sounds so good with extra crunch. The bass in particular

Weird ambient thing! Check out my earlier stream where I make the jam: https://www.youtube.com/live/yEhNxpnV_lk


I could cry… what a whirlwind of a day with lots of rabbit holes and all sorts of learning. Anyways, after much blood sweat and tears (mostly tears) I have a jam. (oh, and i read it wrong, I did it in F Major… SIIIIIGGGHHHHH)


I used my beloved RingsFX from 4pockets, an iOS app take on Mutable Instruments Rings.
For saturation I used Bleass Fusion which applies saturation using wavetables, and FAC Fizzica for one track, real weird effect.
“Solo” is a physical modeled Sarod from GeoShred saturated through Fusion.


Finally a good reason to hook up that old VHS recorder I have in the studio, only to find out that I have A LOT of cables but can’t make the right combination to make it a loop from and back to the mixer…

On an adventure to score a cheap as possible SCART cable today!


Pushed my Strymon Deco to the max today, especially on the bass, which was fun. I didn’t feel very inspired and I think the result of today reflects that.

Again a lot of good and interesting stuf of all of you today. I intend to make some time to listen again and comment in february! :smile:


Day 15. Didn’t have much time today for this. I also struggled with the prompt. I’m dawless and couldn’t really figure out how to saturate my jam. Maybe with little more time I could have come up with something. I ended up adding vinyl record crackling and that was my saturation. Mixing is bit off, but again, I got something out and that’s the main goal.



Setting up everything and recording took me at least 3 times longer than writing the jam itself… But it worked out… Kinda…

Very fun to finally use that one VHS recorder I have in my studio for a long time but I really need to dive into how to setup this system the best way possible. But I do like the idea of using this for synthwave later this year.

Great little test run and happy with the jam itself.

First part of the video is the normal recording, second half is the saturated version.


I ended up dropping it down to Dm since I had written a piano part earlier in the day and wanted to match it: Jan 15

I also spent wayyyy too much time fiddling around with piano FX :sweat_smile:



This was a spicy one. Landscape noon as a sequenced bass device with various summing saturation from multiple voices and more additional saturation effects than I’ve ever used before. Sketchcasette all over it, multiple parallel buses all with judicious saturation. Random saturated drum fills… and lots of 2k cuts ( although it’s still a touch painful)

Channeling early Vex’d on this for sure. I wish I had the skills to make this sound exactly like it should. Incredibly fun.

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Not quite, but almost half way through #jamuary2025 on day 15. Today’s prompt is saturation, saturate that jam. For saturation I am using the tape-ish patch on the #empresszoia and as usual the main device is my #synthstromdeluge

Jamuary 2025 Day 15


Day 15: Saturation throughout, but couldn’t get into E major or 130bpm.

This is mostly the modular rack with sonnicouture’s the Attic 2, and a randomly selected drum rack in Live.


I won’t get to mine tonight, but I can attempt this one tomorrow.
Thought of recording something through the tape function of Chroma Console then into a Tascam 4 track, then through the chroma console again. Should be interesting!