January 17th, 2025 (modulation)

Prompt: use some kind of modulation in your jam: time-based modulation (flanger, chorus, phaser, vibrato, tremolo), ring modulation, comb filtering, automated panning, a filter on an LFO, anything goes!
BPM: 101
Key: F#m


In this jam I am modulation the sounds with my voice. All the sounds are made with my mouth!

Jamuary 2025 - KOII Sampler


Phaser is the mod here. It modulates a wavetable synth app and a physical modeled breath instrument.


With a prompt like this on the day we lost David Lynch, all I could think of was the riff from the theme song to Twin Peaks, which I re-created & twisted here.


Followed the prompt today too! Used some ambient vital presets and added a different LFO to each macro, made it super slow and set it to stray algorithm to keep it constantly evolving.


I modulated the filter cutoff frequency of the lead with an LFO. I think it’s something that no one has done before. :joy:


What a frustrating day trying different things. Anywho, i modulated my voice, does that count? :slight_smile:


@JoeL8X Sounds good what every it was you modulated!

@cabotageksm Totally original idea, what didn’t I think of it?

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Thanks - Tremolo on the baritone guitar!

Day 17. Hey, I actually like my today’s jam! Lots of modulation and also automated panning. This was fun a one!


The intention of modulation! At one point I put flange on this, but I think during the process of making it, I turned off that setting. Right after I was done recording it - DAWless, but direct into my computer this time – the computer decided it was time for an update! I thought it had crashed as it was just a blank screen. Finally, it reset and I realized it was updating. I was expecting the track was gone and I was either going to re-do it or make another jam, but to my surprise I was able to recover it in Soundforge. Better go back to the trusty Zoom H2! Or bust out the old Tascam Porta 03!

I used Roland SP404mkII for the beat, there’s a pad drone from the Ambient Zero, and I played the keyed parts with an old iOS ipad app that keyboardist Jordan Rudess created years ago called Tachyon, which I still really like. The sound is a combination of lead, distorted guitar and violin.


Nice track!!

I think they should use this instead of regular alarms in buildings when there’s an emergency. The way it starts reminded me of an alarm. Then people can dance out of the building while it burns down. hahah!

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Haha! Danceable alarm, maybe we’ll get that in future!

I surprised myself once again that tonight when so smooth.This really is the week where I expected more creative struggles but… It seems the creative Gods have been granting me with enough ideas and energy to go on!

Another synthwave jam (should have seen my wife’s face when the beat kicked in… She truly was hoping for some more Hardstyle LOL) with the following synths

Modal Craftsynth
Yamaha DX Reface
Sonicware Liven Megasynthesis
Sonicware Liven Ambient0
Boss DR-3


@Expensive_Notes that, once again, was just a very fun jam that truly puts a smile on my face! Love the silliness while still having a great groove!
I’m sure the little guitar man helped with setting the right vibes during recording!

@Ray_Cyst Lovely crips sounds setting a mysterious tone, some great modulation going on during the jam. Nice relaxed jam with some very interesting variation while keeping the chill vibes.

@JoeL8X I wish I could say I know it but his work has been on my must watch list for far too long, if this jam sets the vibes than I truly know that I need to watch it. I know the Alan Wake games are heavily inspired by it and I love Sam Lake his work so it must be great. Anyways, epic jam with some very interesting ideas with a nice dedication to an artist which I only know from second hand vibes.

@MyopicMycelium Didin’t expect anything less, modulation is part of your jam. If synths didn’t had a filter you would be bored a long time ago :wink:

For this one you even seem to have modulated your mushroom lamp!

@cabotageksm Not familiar with the tools you are using for these jams but it sounds awesome and very creative which is the most important thing in my book, keep them coming! Short but powerful!

@gonemad.synths This might be the cutest jam on this website so far! Unexpected which makes it even better. Are you secretly Lady gaga’s producer?

Not sure what is exactly on screen, I suppose the sounds are not coming from your mouth and the Volca only?

@Yuteimusic Lovely desktop setup, sorry if I already said that before but I just love tiny synths, especially when they can bring a BIG GROOVE!
Like how you did your thing live (I need my daw!) it came together really nice.

@Gubna Noooooo, what a familiar story, the right kinda thing that could happen to my sessions too ;p Great to see/hear that you where able to recover it, in my experience that what is lost always seems to be the best recording which I can’t do over again!

how do you like the Ambient0?
Going to theck out that Jordan Rudess app for sure, dude is an inspiration for a life time with his amazing smile.



Amazing atmosphere! I love how beautifully balanced everything feels.

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Cardinal is a fork of VCV rack. They are a virtual version of the eurorack system.

A little jam I recorded just now. Got home from work late and am pretty tired so decided to record everything in one take. I misfired some drum samples from my mpc here and there, and when I opened up the chorus on my Ambient-0 there was some clipping. I wanted to do a short recording but I turned out to be a little longer.


Another fun prompt. I went all in on the LFOs on the op-z today.