January 18th, 2025 (color)

Prompt: make a song inspired by a color
Key: D dorian
BPM: 98

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The colour I have chosen is blue which is not happy. The music sort of reflects the loss of David Lynch to me. It’s quirky and a mix of styles.

Jamuary 2025 - Flappy Bird Notes Generator with Volca Bass & FM and S-1

The Launchpad Mini is controlled by a Teensy microcontroller which also sends notes to the Volca FM, Bass and S-1.The notes are played based on me playing Flappy Bird very badly. My poor ability with Flappy Bird actually helps to make the music more interesting.

This is an updated version of this game with the ability to play 3 synths


I love sky blue. This made me think of flying and what a bird might feel. The title is inspired by some of the most insane corporate speak ever muttered by Space X, so I made the ending fall apart, errr… I mean suffer a rapid unscheduled disassembly.


Coincidentally, I also went for sky blue like @JoeL8X
I think even the music is a bit similar.
First, I picked a bunch of modules of the same color.


Makes me feel like flying, with out the cRUD!

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Interesting approach picking modules of the same colour. Came out as a nice happy jam!

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Inspiration was a lack of color, reminded me of a suggestion from a mate for an old black and white psa video. Sampled and done entirely on the Circuit Rhythm.


Such a mesmerizing jam. What’s the color? I think it’s purple.

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I’m guessing some hue of magenta - It sounds like a sunrise to me!

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Day 18. I chose color blue, as I woke up today feeling bit blue. Jam didn’t end up being the sadest tune of all time, but I think it’s at least a bit blue. Arrangement and live jam could be better, but overall I like this tune.



I really love the dorian mode. Had visitors over today and some chores to do before that, but I managed to record some layers in between the chores and after my guests left again. It was good exercise in just making choices and going with them, one of the things I struggle with a lot when making music, and as a bonus I’m quite happy with the result :slight_smile:


I’m hearing some CBL vibes in this jam, beautiful. I can envision an pink/purple nebula while listening.

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In which Carf explores his darker side and revisits that one era that inspired him for a life-time, the early 2000 scene.

Yamaha AN1X
Roland JP8000
Behringer JT4000
Sonicware Liven Ambient0
Roland MC505 Groovebox

Visuals by ID&T - Sensation Black 2007

The wife was so disappointed when the synthwave kicked in in yesterday’s jam that I had to revisit and see what I can do with the more harder styles (which are more her vibes) and revisit the project file from yesterday.

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It’s snowing a lot outside so I chose a static-y white to match the skies: Jan 18


Used my Korg Microsampler, Arturia Microfreak, Korg MS2000R with a sub bass sound, and Boss DR-770 drum machine. The samples of the guy talking is my brother. It was from a video of him telling me how minimalism was wrong, and that hoarding was the way to go. hahahh!


Slow was on the menu tonight - 42bpm. Went a different route with the DFAM and just used them for single notes. Main arp was the Solar42 and I was using it’s envelopes to modulate the Lyra.

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Day 18 of #jamuary2025, and today neither groups prompt was speaking to me, so I decided to just sit down and start playing around and see what came out of it. Got a drum track down and then played with using the keyboard to play and record while playing. Got something I liked and here is a quickly produced jam for you. #synthstromdeluge


The color is grurple…

Made with : OP-XY