Prompt: use reverb in your jam, preferrably in new ways you haven’t explored before
BPM: 84
Key: A mixolydian
My birthday is tomorrow the 19th, so I’m posting this one early.
This one sounds like an action horror film soundtrack! Korg Microsampler and Boss Dr-770 run through the Hologram Microcosm for all that weird percussion glitching. Various samples going on in the Microsampler as I played the sequences. I used reverb at the very end, but this one has the sound of a bee (european american variety) that was trapped between the window and the blind and was making a ticking noise. At one point it sounds like purrrrrrring! Another sound it made sounds kind of a bit like a synth. It did get free and outside eventually!
Groovy and creepy.
Happy bee-rthday!
I used the Lore pedal, which is a sort of reversed delay… think it can count as a reverb.
I’ve been limiting myself to the model:samples, because I’m quite new to electronic music production and want to learn the machine thoroughly, so of course I used the reverb on that!
I feel like it’s the calm before the storm if you know what I mean. This started off as a reverb-soaked ambient jam (Strymon BlueSky on the Minitaur, Microcosm on the Subharmonicon, and loads of side-chained Reverb in the Digitone II) but then I got out my Sustainiac-equipped Schecter guitar to try something different & decided to add drums to keep it all together.
Jamuary 2025 - Crave Self Generating Patch - NTS 1 Plenty Reverb and Flashback Echo
Crave into NTS-1 for submarine reverb and then into Flashback II for echo.
The Crave is running a self generating patch. NTS-1 provides a simple SAW wave and great REVERB.
@Gubna Great sounds! Shower scene from psycho comes to mind. I’m glad the bee escaped eventually. Happy Birthday!
@cabotageksm Cool track drenched in reverb, I like what sounds like guitar
@CathReu Nice happy jam! Model:Samples looks like a fun machine!
@JoeL8X I do know what you mean. Cool tones and licks on the guitar! The sound at 1:32 is especially fun (Also 2:08)
Day 19. I decided to use reverb in reverse manner that I normally do. Usually I use reverb only in lead sounds and pads, but this time I only used reverb in bass and drums. There’s tiny bit reverb in my mastering FX, which I forgot to turn off. So tiny bit of reverb is affecting the whole song. This prompt was fun to explore.
@Gubna Happy bday! Mine is coming up in just a few days
Lovely weird jam but I didn’t expect anything less when adding a Microcosm into the mix.
@cabotageksm Thanks for the info last time, seems like very fun software to play around with, love the dreamy like vibes you brought in today, seems like a nice pedal to play around with.
@CathReu nice vibes, especially when it comes from just one box! For a starter you already know how to handle that thing, keep up the creativity!
@JoeL8X This is truly taking me places, high fantasy like with modern vibes. Great jam1
@Expensive_Notes I am so sure I can learn a ton of things from you what the Crave can do, it was one of my first hardware synths since I started building this studio! Eyeing a Grind right now 'cause I think it’s fun to expand upon thes modules. The video that came with the jam was spot on, misty sounds and dreamy atmosphere.
@Yuteimusic great storytelling jam that was going places for sure, again I love how you do so much with just a handfull of desktop synhts, keep up the creativity!
Got a busy next couple days, so I probably will struggle to find time to listen to everyone’s jams and comment. So many talented individuals making music here, it’s awesome!
I made the jam on stream, so if you’re interested in checking that out:
@Gubna This is what I imagine a wild animals flight response sounds like. You really captured the nonsensical panic. Love the glitchyness, that calm at the end is unnerving in a great way.
@cabotageksm I love the wash of sound and happy scale. This kinda sounds like relief from something. Very pretty.
@JoeL8X Those drums are super cool behind the repeated swell. Love the guitar riff at the end, and the shimmery twinkles throughout.
@Expensive_Notes This is especially spooky with the visuals. I didn’t know the crave could do generative stuff, you may have just sold me on one. I’m picturing a rusty, dripping hallway straight out of Silent Hill.
@Yuteimusic Love the groove and the warm wash of drums and bass (chords?). Overall, it’s very soulful.
@MyopicMycelium Wistful and gorgeous, I always enjoy your use of pads and chords morphing together. Got goosebumps when the drums came in, especially with that singing upper note.
Thank you! The bass part plays only one note at a time, but I cranked up the release and reverb, so it creates kind of pad like bass bed to the song.
I recorded this one this morning. Didn’t have a lot of ideas for creative use of reverbs without going deep into sounddesign and didn’t have the time for that. I did modulate some reverb parameters on my Minifreak and Ambient0 and texture lab, and added some completely wet drums.
Used a bunch of reverbs, slow lfo on the size of a few. Reverbish pitch vibrato, slowmotion vibes.
The boys are back in town, or at least, I managed to find another song by them, haven’t seen the guys in a long time since “that one thing happened” three years ago, but it’s the third time I’m able to find back a track which they recorded in that one single session, funny how this only happens every January!
RIP Oliver
Apologies for missing yesterday. Here’s today’s offering. I added the reverb later in Logic Pro, but actually it isn’t that noticeable most of the time, I probably should’ve not made slopes but instead sudden starts and stops of it.
Day 19. A melodic, ambient piece using multiple reverbs, some short, some long, and couple which modulate in and out over time with the help of Andrew Huang’s / Baby Audio Transit 2. I also used the amazing Eventide Blackhole Immersive reverb vst and Karanyi Sounds Cloudmax.
Created in Logic Pro. AI image created with ChatGPT. Video animation made in:
Having just finished the previous days piece I accidentally turned on the absolutely terrible reverb on the Nymphes. I tinkered with a few sounds going into a light dusting to serve as a pedal A to get started on today’s. Did some manual playing of various parameters to serve as an intro, the couple of chops before the track really begins I think being quite cool sounding. The big wash almost sounds like runaway feedback, very strange coming from purposeful DSP. I also dipped into one of the ‘ghost rhythm’ impulses in space designer which I just never use. Here I just picked one, and tinkered a little. It’s on the FM part.
I have never used mixolydian before in my life… interesting scale which I would never naturally land on when jamming on the keys. The minor v chord is so weird.
Awful track, but picked up some interesting ideas along the way… and maybe that’s the point.
All the reverbs. I used 4 different reverb fx and tried to play song with the sends/levels from the different tracks as the soundscape develops. The most fun was learning to use the ‘feedback’ parameter on the Stalker Reverb module as performance fx (first at around 1:30). I feel like I could use that to create risers.
Made with:
OP-1 (OG) - spring reverb
Erica Synths Dual FX (Stalker reverb and Big Reverb)