January 1st, 2025 (poem)

It begins!

As in the last years I’ll be posting a thread for every day, with recommendations for a prompt, key, and BPM. Feel free to ignore them!

Prompt: Compose a jam inspired by a favorite book or poem.
Key: any
BPM: any


Volca Bass on the March With NTS 1 Ping Pong Delay

Best with Headphones!

First Jamuary 2025 Jam.

Happy New Year and Happy Jamuary everyone!


Woohoo! Happy New Year! - It’s cool to see one of the Volca’s in action. Might have to break out my Volca FM at some point. Happy Jamuary too!


Thank you. The Volca Bass is very cool!

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Hi, here’s my day 1. Sorry about video quality. I’ll try to step up the quality in future.


cool jam!! I don’t have a Microfreak but have seen a lot of videos featuring it lately. It really does seem like a sweet synth.

JoeL8X · Trout Fishing in America

Jamuary 2025 - Day 1

Primary instruments: Digitakt II, Octatrack MkII, Moog Minitaur, DFAM, Dreadbox Typhon

Prompt: Compose a jam inspired by a favorite book or poem. I chose “Trout Fishing in America” by Richard Brautigan


Here’s my first jamuary jam ever, kind of spacey due to the monotron delay :ringer_planet:


Thanks, I’m just starting out with this hardware synth stuff. It was my first day with Microfreak and so far I like, there’s tons to explore with this synth. This setup might be the one I’m gonna stay for a while, went through few Volcas, but didn’t connect with them.


Here’s mine:

A jam with the #opz loosely, inspired by my favorite poem, “Mar Português”.


Happy New year, everyone!

Great prompt, really had to rush this one though.

Sampled audio and video from William S. Burroughs (The Cut Ups 1966)
Epiphone Les Paul project guitar into Doom metallurgy
Harley benton Firebird w/ darkglass and efektor bass fx
Drum sampler is Toontrack Dark Industrial pack.

Using Valhalla for reverb/delay, plus some random pedal emulation on busses for distortion

Really would benefit from some more drum development, melody line and yeah, but it is what it is. Goes kinda hard though :stuck_out_tongue:


awesome jam, Beto! It’s really cool seeing what you’re doing with the OP-Z!

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whoa, very spacey!! Also wanted to say that I really like the way you set up your camera. The added detail with the shell and sand-like table complements the music well :slight_smile:


My shirt :slight_smile:


@Expensive_Notes this is awesome, made me miss my Volca Bass! I love how you use the multiple oscillators to add the high notes on top of the arpeggio, and how the NTS-1 makes everything chaotic and big!

@Yuteimusic what a groovy jam, and the scale you used on the Microfreak makes the song sound Eastern to me. And I really like the pitch bending on the track!

@JoeL8X really cool melody line there, and I love the outro where it gets more glitchy. Really nice fill on the drums!

@elenaduffmusic ah, the Monotron! Those are some cool space lasers! I once found an album recorded mostly with the Monotron, it’s such an amazing little machine! I also like the beat on the Volca, differently than most I really like its snare sound!

@Vix ohhhh, you had me when the guitar started. The track is really hypnotic and unsettling, I like it! It’s a great track to start 2025, captures the current zeitgeist pretty well! :upside_down_face:

@Wrave is that a Wii board? I haven’t listened to the whole thing yet, but what I’ve heard so far is lovely and so relaxing. Will keep it running on the background til the end.

@kyrillik love the percussion here, it sounds very industrial kitchen, and the finger drumming is solid!


Happy new year, y’all.

My jam today was inspired by one of my favorite books of last year, “How to Hide an Empire”. Some cowboy chords with a focus on recording my bass as clean as possible.

Here’s the link!


I’m digging this back beat. Reminds me of a 90s rave when things are starting to wind down.


Mmm that sparkly bass is so nice in my ear. Especially love when the kick comes in

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Dyslexia means I’m more into pictures and sound than reading, but I love to jam, so here we go!