Prompt: use delay in your jam in a creative way – set different times for left and right, combine multiple delays, make it percussive.
BPM: 113
Key: Bb major
Jamuary 2025 - KOII with 7s delay - Happy Accidents
A sort of Frippertronics Jam with the KOII and Flashback II and a long delay
My last couple of jams were a bit moody, so I wanted to get upbeat for this one. The main stabby synth riff is a Dreadbox Typhon and it’s ping-ponging (the dry signal is on the left to the wet “response” on the right). The hi-hat sound is a DFAM that is going through a slap-back delay. The rest are a Minitaur, Digitone II, Digitakt II, and my Syntakt for the drums.
This sounds really lush. Excellent vibe!
** warning: this is not musical **
Wanted to play with a self generative patch with the Neutron and… um… this was the result. (not pictured: me smiling stupidly as I made noisy chaos)
Oh, forgot to mention. The Neutron has a delay section which I ALWAYS leave out of the mix as I hate it. Today it featured HEAVILY in this patch and then I added a ping pong delay from the NTS-1 for good measure. ALL OF THE DELAY!
daaang, i love the panned slap back effect. The whole thing is great. well done!!
A jam where the guitar is almost clean but with tons of effects.
Day 20. I used five different delays on four different tracks. The first two tracks created with Stepic which are a pattern of four notes repeating randomly, one panned left, the other right. Each track has a couple of different delays. The delays produce a very rhythmic pattern. The third track was created with Harmony Bloom and has a slower delay and even more random play to contrast the faster tracks. Finally, the last track is a slow synth melody with its own delay, played manually.
Music created in Logic Pro. AI image by ChatGPT. Video animation made in:
Day 20. I totally forgot the bpm and key, so this is in C minor and tempo is 120 bmp. But at least I used lots of delay.
Delay so trippy I’m dizzy.
Wow, lots of fun tracks!
Here’s mine, I wanted to try something a bit calmer today.
Did this one in the morning before work. Sent midi CC to my Ocean Machine 2 to automate the delay time on the drums. Didn’t quite get the result I was looking for because delay time can’t be set precise enough on it, but with the filtersweeps on the delay it’s nice enough.
The chords are from the minifreak, the melody is a randomly generator pattern going through the uno synth pro x. The bass and celesta are mpc.
Guitar loop jam here with just my amps and pedal board. Fun!! Lots of delay.
What I do is get a loop going, then improvise over it. My board is set to split out from a DOD line mixer to the channels which end up going to each amp. the Bass side just goes through one AB switch, then Sub N Up and Flashback delay then one of the ditto loopers - to the bass amp. The guitar side goes through everything else starting with the compressor, Boss OD2, Flashback II, Hall of Fame Reverb, Mimiq, then the other ditto and to the Boss Katana. The two ditto’s are positioned next to each other so I can hit them both at the same time. I think the same affect can be done with a stereo looper but my pedalboard evolved with these and I’ve just kept it like this. Plus, if I don’t trigger them exactly, they will go out of sync - which can be interesting. 20 Jan 2025 Prompt: use delay in your jam in a creative way – set different times for left and right, combine multiple delays, make it percussive.
BPM: 113
Key: Bb major
well I laid down a kind of ambientish 113 bpm jam for like 16 minutes and thought it sounded ok…only to find that the record button was turned off for one of the main tracks. oh wells, here is a snip anyway. might go again with a tempo more in my comfort zone.
yep, went again with a different bpm, much prefer this one
@DroneSinger Spacey! This is really cool. Love what you did with the delays! Love this graphic too.
@Yuteimusic This could work well as both soundtrack and video game spacey flying music.
@CarfDarko Dark, and does sound as threatening as whatever is going on in that tunnel there! Poor guy does not know his life will change if he gets in that car! Don’t do it man! They just asked for directions but in a few moments he’ll realize that’s a ruse!
So for day 20 of #jamuary2025 doing the delay prompt. So got a tube to get her to play with, took all delay off of it on the #deluge and setup a patch on the #empresszoia with the left channel feeding into a ping pong delay and the right going into a delay with modulation. I then started my look and started increasing the mix and the delay time. The second row is the ping pong and the forth row is the delay with modulation.
Jamuary 2025 Day 20
I didn’t have a lot of time today so here’s a one-shot I did right after getting back from skiing all day: Jan 20
It was a high of -14 degrees Fahrenheit on the mountain… so it’s been A DAY