January 21st, 2025 (end of the world)

Prompt: write a jam that would play at the end of the world, as everything burns
BPM: 140
Key: F Major

I started making this track earlier today to keep myself off of internet. It’s in Am and at 79bpm, but otherwise I was already thinking of this same theme :wink:

A little melancholy chord progression and some laid back drums and bass.


Very cool @JoeL8X! I think you might be, like me, envisioning the heat death of the universe rather than the burning!

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Jamuary 2025 - Jam from Scratch
“The End Of The Universe” - Crave, S-1, Volca Drum & FM

Just chilling out and going for it with some cool sounds that suits my vision of the End Of The Universe which is today’s prompt.


perhaps my vision of the end of the world is a bit more energetic :smiley: (And i may have stuffed the thumb nail, oopsy!)


woah! those chords hit me hard. Feels like ill need a stiff drink when the end comes.

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This fits that theme, albeit not that BPM or key. Another one with the Korg Microsampler, Fantom X6, glitching pedals Microcosm and Chroma Console.


“On the skeletal remains of cities past, beneath a sun of molten steel, automatons sang their steel opera, a dirge for humankind and a paean to the dawn of a new age.”


Mentioned the prompt to a friend, and they referenced the quote at the beginning. Had to use it and make something upbeat for those that would head to the end of the world with a smile on their face :smiley:

Love how everyone that has posted so far, is either laid back or upbeat, except Gubna! Who awesomely captures the gnawing dread that would fill us all.


Love this. Would slot right into my ‘fall asleep on an airplane’ mix.

Love the call and response vocal on this, sounding great as always.

I love the different takes on the theme today!

I tried to get something slightly industrial out of the op-z. I haven’t done any track like this before so it was fun to play around with.


Join C.A.R.F and save the universe one coin at the time!


Day 21. End of the world. My first thought was that I could go for sad or panic. I chose latter. Not my greatest jam, didn’t have much time. Sorry about the crappy video quality.


@JoeL8X Ow definitely feeling that sadness this prompt can bring, nice build up, especially when that mid comes in after 20 seconds. Do I sense some older Bowie vibes?

@Expensive_Notes that table is crowded today! Nice grooves and experimental vibes and always great to see another Crave in action :slight_smile:

@gonemad.synths Feels like a while mix of syntwhave and oldschool rave vibes which is a great combination in my book!

@Gubna Omnious and dark, exactly as the prompt demanded. Would also be great as background vibes for a game like SOMA.

@cabotageksm Best way to experience those final moments, celebrate the end with a party!

@MyopicMycelium love the slow build up, wasn’t sure if it was going to bring more sadness but you knew how to spin it back in to better make the best out of these moments.

I expect to see you on stage playing exactly this jam when that day comes!

@Vidar comin in HARD, love it, the right kind of distortion to fit the prompt. Seems to tell the exact moment and how it would sound.


@Yuteimusic Can feel the panic mode for sure! Feels like it’s telling the experience of someone who was there at that very moment and wasn’t sure what to do.

All keep up the creativity, 10 more jams to go!


Improvised jam on my very old second-hand Kaossilator Pro. I went for kind of dystopian sounds as much as possible for the whole end of world vibe - maybe it’s the aliens coming and scrambling our computer that did us in :alien:


@elenaduffmusic Far out. I had one of those once and really never got into it. I have the iOs version now which is fun. this jam is crazy! love it!

@CarfDarko Nice quick one!

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End of the world in F major


I love the combination of the video and audio. Well done.

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F major seemed a bit to stable for the end of the world, so I went for the slightly less stable F locrian.