January 22nd, 2025 (far away)

Prompt: write a jam that captures the feeling of being far away
Key: E minor
BPM: any

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Jamuary 2025 - Sample Buddies: KO133 PO33 and ISD1820

Prompt: Far Away

I imagine someone trying to get through on faltering equipment.


I heard the term “Thundersnow” on a YouTube weather stream this morning and this is where I am now. Moog Matriarch, DFAM, & Minitaur along with Elektron Digitakt II & Digitone II.


Patagonia seems far away even if you are there…


I did not mean to make this jam that long. I was hoping for five minutes long! Quite a bit of modulation on most of the sounds. Also several random elements using launch clips in Ableton.

Again, I streamed the creation process, which can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/live/SVjSOaRp7k8?si=WYeN914rihIVI2W0


The world ended yesterday, today I am adrift in space.


This one takes a little while to get going, then it builds up with ‘bleep-tastic’ sounds
(PS Been really enjoying listening to everyone’s jams for the themes, very inspiring to see everyone’s different takes on the themes)


Here’s my jam for today, from the op-z as usual


I agree, it’s really cool to listen to everyone’s take on the theme. I really enjoyed your jam, by the way. It was haunting but fun. I didn’t know of the Kaossilator before, it looks wild!


Day 22. Quick and short jam today. But I like what I came with. I think there’s sense of distance. I got Roland P-6 sampler yesterday to complete my setup. Didn’t use it yet, coz I have some sync issue and have to figure out my recording setup from mixer. I had to sacrifice my multieffect to make room for P-6.


Wow, I love this! It takes me so far away, like I’m in another world.

I probably should have stopped after 1 minute, but I had to put my energy somewhere.


A small composition/improvisation with a melancholic vibe. I played the Osmose pretty dynamically and in hindsight a little compression on it could wouldn’t hurt it. It starts out soft, but after about 40 seconds it really takes the lead, be warned. :sweat_smile:


I’m not quite sure what happened here but it ended up sounding pretty cool. I’m trying not to let perfect be the enemy of good: Jan 22


Go, go
Go, go, go, go
Go, Carfie, it’s your birthday
We gon’ party like it’s your birthday
We gon’ sip Hertog Jan like it’s your birthday
And you know we don’t give a fuck it’s not your birthday

Playing around with a new toy, my lovely wife got me a Stylophone!
Had to hook it up to an FX pedal and let it play around with the big boys!

Very quick and dirty, it was LATE when I finally had some time for myself and go to the studio, didn’t plan to celebrate it at all this year but friends and family had different plans ;p


jamuary.org Jan 22 2005 Prompt: write a jam that captures the feeling of being far away
Key: E minor
BPM: any

I keep getting caried away…and then posting pretty much the full length jam…think I need to select some sections…actually went back and did this. I am loving these really inspirational prompts. Playing back doesn’t sound as good as when jamming so something is up there. To keep the far away concept more on this one I did away with compression.



Not sure what happened here. With the prompt my plan was to take the piano sample (a bit of Shostakovich prelude) and slow it down and do some kind of ambient thing. That just didn’t fit at all and I had no time to prepare another sample so I chopped it up in a sampler and made this skittish thing instead. Paired that with more wavefolding fun this time direct from the modular. Fired up Damage which sounded like it could supply a stab (I’ve literally never opened it) and I wrestled with… that interface until I got something okay. Speed built a pad on Nymphes to add something different harmonically. Obligatory terrible serum sound to fill the last gap. At least it’s not that zero FM sound I keep putting in jams.

It ended up a slower than dubstep kind of thing, some questionable mixdown magic as always but I like it.


Day 22 of #jamuary2025 and your on a spaceship with its systems failing. Done of the #synthstromdeluge


I have to be on early morning interview panels for the next few weeks… I think that is reflected in the violence of this track. Also, deathmole is watching. Hydrasynth through Plumes (R) and Gallows in the Morning (L) gave me something evil sounding and the Pulsar was used for some basic percussion.


This is awesome, kinda gives me vibes of Arizona by Highly Suspect. The bass sounds awesome and I love what you did in the background!

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