January 22nd, 2025 (far away)

Had a blast making this, added some vocals through the fx and tried out a new (to me) tape loop warble on the disting. ‘So far away’

Made with:
Roland E-4
Sure 58
Erica Synths dual FX
Expert Sleepers Disting EX - Augustus Loop
Keystep Pro


Day 22 piece. A slow, piece with a flugelhorn playing a mournful melody that takes you to a far away place and time.

Music created in Logic Pro. AI image by ChatGPT. Video animation made in: https://vizzy.io


Here is my “far away” piece. I’m a day late. I’ve been watching a lot of train films lately, as well as recording music as I watch train cab views on youtube, so this subconsciously seeped in almost sounding like a slow train.

It’s a bunch of synth sounds of the guitar, pluck and bass variety run into loopers. I used this to test out my DAW, but this is the DAWless version recorded direct into the Zoom H2.


This has a melancholic vibe, and I think I got carried away with the length.

The voices are real-time radio samples filtered and mangled.


Again Berlin-style. Exploring my new Behringer Crave.


This is a cool haunting jam Elena! Great use of both devices.

@Vidar The vibe on this is great! Lovely and relaxed far away…

@Yuteimusic Great use of space and reverb to conjure up the feel. Cool lead on the Freak! I like the way your finger lingered and slide off it.

@Soupoclap The start is gorgeous. Far away in an eastern direction. The next section is fascinating with its growling bass. Great restraint in the 3rd section. Oh no! Here comes the insect hoard!!!

@dreamindani Lovely guitar Dani! The “synth” underneath is great.

@SQG Cool track! I like the feel of it and the busy percussion. The bass line is an ear worm.

@DesertWolf I expect you are an expert in vast open spaces. Lovely feeling of openness on this. The subtle synths are very evocative.

@immaculate_abyss Okay I’m guessing being interview panels are not your thing. It’s coming through loud and clear on this great disturbing jam! P.S. They weren’t my favourite thing either.

@mmk230 Lovely jam Matt. Just chilling out to it. Or trying to, it’s going to be 40C today… :grimacing:


@DroneSinger A flugelhorn will always do this. Excellent choice and lovely track.

@Gubna Definite train vibe to the beat!

@Ray_Cyst Lovely sounds Ray. I like the trumpet/brass.

@sunblogger I have a new Crave as well. It is a fun machine, simple but with things to explore. Nice relaxing plinks but with an edge…

I was thinking on being stuck in the outer space, far far away from home:

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Here’s my very belated attempt at this prompt.