Prompt: make a mournful jam
Key: Eb Major
BPM: 76
Jamuary 2025 - Swamp Frippertronics with SY1000 Guitar Synth
This track is a one take jam with my SY1000 guitar synth.
I’m using these patches on the SY1000:
Mysterious Pipe
Air Voice Pad!
ST&Synth (Strat)
Grassy Synth GT
All fed into the Flashback II Delay (7 second delay)
I needed to make something different as I was inspired by the Moon Zooz tour I photographed last night, which was super dancy and upbeat! I might do this prompt tomorrow though as my next week is going to be so limited for time that I’m sure I’ll be missing a bunch of prompts
Used Elektron Digitone II & Digitakt II with the Moog Minitaur for the bass.
7 seconds!? you could go grab a drink while waiting for it to come back
Beatiful synthwave dream
You really nailed this - The visuals got me too!
It’s a bit mournful.
One of my cats went missing this week, but he came back last night so I’m not mournful!
Silly Waldorf!
Waldorf looks adorable, glad to hear he came back!
Really cool jam. It fits the theme perfectly, sounds mournful for sure.
Mine is from the OP-Z as usual.
Last year, I lost my dad. This one’s for all the parents we’ve lost.
Kind of surprised myself, I’m never font of the idea to write sad things without a valid reason but when there is an opportunity to play around with Edirol Orchestral (my go to Orchestra VST) there is always a change that something will be written that I didn’t want to miss and I am very pleased with the final result!
@Expensive_Notes What an amazing sounds, I googled the device and funny enough it shows one of your youtube videos. Great jam and what a powerful pedal, or at least, when the owner knows how to handle it!
@JoeL8X After my own jam for today I could use something like this, it’s super upbeat, especially after doing such a downer of a jam. Love the little chiptune sound in the track (its part of my creative dna)
Great little jam which feels more like a full blown track that could have been in a Mega-Drive game!
@cabotageksm emotional, truly makes me feel nostalgic to I don’t even know what moment but it hits all the right vibes, the video really helps too
@Yuteimusic Love the slow piece, it has a great build up to something bigger but keeps the sad vibes especially where they need to be. Also great combination of sounds.
@Gubna Great that you didn’t truly had to write something for Waldorf, is the name inspired by any synth creator? The jam itself felt more mysterious space vibes than truly mournful in my experience but was still a great jam nontheless
@Vidar love the simplicity of the first minute with only one voice but still sharing such a story, slowly builds up into something way more. Interesting jam for sure!
@Soupoclap I never had the opportunity to meet your dad but in my world it should have been a great guy otherwise you would not have been the guy I knew so many years ago. The jam feels truly powerful and emotional, not in the melodies themself but in the sound and the expressions of them, which is exactly that one thing I admire about your work.
@FriendlyVisitor for one or another reason the file didn’t want to load on my browser 26 Jan 2025 (requiem) Prompt: make a mournful jam
Key: Eb Major
BPM: 76
as my general leaning is towards making techno and dnb, with a few of the slower tempo prompts where I have got some good sounds going I’ve occasionally done a follow-up jam in the 140-180bpm range. today I made a techno jam first, then used a bunch of the same sounds and even a few of the same riffs in the requiem jam. definitely feels aghem mournful (aka death march of some kind I suppose).
for anyone listening on a phone I think my mixes do not sound very good - they tend to translate ok to headphones and generally most speakers but I don’t have a clue how to mix something that sounds ok on the speaker/s in a phone!!
sharing both of my jams from today. first one was kinda like a ‘live set’ feel so I didn’t snip much out and uploaded the whole thing. Perkons, Pulsar, Subphatty through A4, Easel with OT on midi duty. some mild compression and reverb in post. if listening to both at all maybe do the second (sad) one first!
second one is the requiem. Perkons, Pulsar, Solar 42F, Easel, Subphatty through A4.
My composition for day 26 of Jamuary 2025. A majestic synth piece appropriate for the sad end of a grand technocratic era. Not sure how mournful it sounds, but it does sound sad in it’s own way.
Music created in Logic Pro. AI image created in ChatGPT. Video animation created made in:
@DroneSinger This fits your prompt perfectly. Grand and an end of an era.
@CarfDarko That’s funny about your Google experience. It is an entire guitar and synth rig in one box. Very powerful! Straight to the PA or Monitor with it.
I found this one incredibly frustrating and the end result has very few redeeming qualities. We’ve had the ‘major key but ‘sad’ prompt’ a few times and I just keep landing on the same stuff. Truly sick of the iii now. Ended up with the progression from Delilah at one point, then tried not starting on the I, and it all ended up relative minor anyway. No time for any sound design after spending hours noodling to no avail so this is just chucked together last minute so I could go to bed.