Prompt: choose a photo and make a jam inspired by it (here are some for inspiration)
Key: Fm
BPM: 104
Sorry, but I had done my Jam by the time the Prompt came up.
So I looked for a photo to fit…
Jamuary 2025 - Volca Bass Solo
It wouldn’t be Jamuary without a Solo Volca Bass.
All done in a one take jam. No overdubs or effects added.
That’s what I do for many of my jams! This one came from the parking lot at Publix. Elektron Digitone II and Digitakt II w/ some guitar & a fuzzy outro.
Very cool Joe. Love the guitar!!!
Pulled out my handpan for this one. Instead of a photo, I used the free stock video featured in the jam.
The imagine module in vcv rack scans a photo and outputs voltage based on luminance.
Day 27. Really quick one, didn’t have much time today for jamming. I chose two instax photos of these “space flowers”. Tried to make space themed jam, but I failed. Still like this one thou.
Here’s a picture I took last year on my Grandad’s old medium-format camera:
I thought these sounds would go nicely with it. Yesterday I learned a few different ways to do arpeggios in Logic and now I’m hooked: Jan 27 27 Jan 2025 (photo) Prompt: choose a photo and make a jam inspired by it
Key: Fm
BPM: 104
took inspiration from this frozen lake photo my wife sent where she goes walking. a live recorded jam with minor edits and fx in post. Sounds from SubPhatty through A4 fx, Easel, Solar 42F, Perkons, Pulsar. OT sending MIDI, A4 sending Gates. had a lot of fun with this one, great prompt. I had to post almost the whole mix as live playing meant cutting any bits out wasn’t working very easily (that bit is much easier with techno).
musing mode activated…as I learn these instruments more I am seeing how a mixer could perhaps be quite awesome. I find myself reaching for compressor, gate and eq per channel, saturator on multiple channels and a few reverb and delay sends and master compression when it comes to mixing my jams. thought all of that is clearly much cheaper in software I am also really learning the value of individual track outs from drum machines for mixing. that said, currently have no room for a mixer so will continue to ponder. An Audient evo 16 might be the ticket for recording - with 2 x ADAT I could get input channel count up to 23 (as I have a dead channel on the 18i20 currently)…would let me track almost everything separately. mmm so I’d need an analog mixer with a lot of channels and fx units, maybe I’ll just stick to Reason!
Very whimsical - I’m imagining Big Foot getting down with that!
Some cold jams today!
An arti(sti)c scene which lend itself for the opportunity to load in a sample on the Ambient0 for the first time and play around with it!
I made this photo about three years ago. It reminded me of a pad I used in an unfinished track so I recycled that this morning, the track starts with it. I didn’t get a lot done before I had to go to work, and came home late and tired. I had to push myself to get back at it, but once I got the ball rolling it was pretty enjoyable.
I’m seeing a lot of interesting images in this thread. I’m sure there’s a lot of good music again too, but I’ll save the listening for another moment.
Stumbled across this picture from JWST I don’t think I saw before. Tried to capture the absolute cold incomprehensibility of it… fairly happy with this one at least as a start. I used harmonic minor because it’s just more interesting to me.
Started off as a krell patch but I ended up introducing more deliberate elements and eventually the krell-ness went away almost completely. Beads in wavetable mode played by a sequence in brownian mode with a low chance to make a move each clock. Tried a simple fm’d sine into rings audio input for the other, pitch selected at random from the scale on each clock into both rings and the fm sound. Recorded the synth parts with some live changes to clock chance on both elements then. Ran a pulsing bass sound out as well, then popped some strings on top.
Had another band member join for this jam, Mary Kafferlin on bass!
Made with:
Erica Synths Dual FX
Squire Mustang Bass
Fender Rumble 40 Amp
Expert Sleepers ES-9 (Mixer)
I wanted to use Wikipedia’s matching Picture of the Day, but accidently took the one from the day before, so 26th of January, 2025:
(“Frozen lake at Shinko La, road down to Darcha right to centre. Lahaul, Himachal, India”, picture taken by Timothy A. Gonsalves; see…4_A7CR_00315.jpg)
I imagined this snowy landscape with blue sky to be more lonely and untouched by humans than the picture actually shows, and aimed for a dangerous athmosphere with icecold wind.
[Interestingly enough, my jam was immediately deleted by SoundCloud, because I used the same free-to-use wind-sound sample that is contained in Vihanga Wijesekara’s “Lakshman Wijesekara Tribute Medley”, go figure.^^
I filed a copyright-claim dispute, which was rejected without comment, and only after contacting the support manually, they reinstated my track.]
#jamuary2025 day 27 and this is a short one. Doing the prompt to do a 30 second jam from #petitevictorycollective. #synthstromdeluge
Barely made it in time. I have been busy, and then I caught the crud like no other. I know the rules suggest making a jam everyday, but I have a hard time sharing unless I’m extra thrilled about a piece. Nonetheless, I threw that out the window so I could pay homage to this sweet pup on photo day. Here’s a quick one.
I do have a couple other Jamuarys on this channel, from before I had earned the sites trust. I’m glad they finally let me in to join you creative folks.
No prompt for me today… got distracted by a new Push 3. Simple loop while trying to figure things out.