January 28th, 2025 (moon)

Prompt: write a jam to the moon
Key: C major
BPM: 88

Jamuary 2025 - TicTacToe plays Synths - Volca Bass, FM and S-1

A Teensy microcontroller works with the launchpad and sequences the Volca Bass. The Tic Tac Toe (Naughts and Crosses) game alters the notes being played by the other synths, shown by the different colour squares on the Launchpad. The Volca FM only plays the notes altered by the TicTacToe Game. The S-1 plays notes depending on where I press when it is green’s turn.

Tenuous link to Prompt: It sounds like something that would be played on the way to the moon…


Soundtrack to the moon! Roland Fantom X-6 on a prophet type sound, and other synths doing some back up.

I made a 2nd jam, a bucket jam!

Using two ipads, the arpeggio synth, Zoom H2 recorder, and a 5 gallon bucket!


I was at Costco tonight and took another photo in the parking lot - When I saw tonight’s prompt, it all came together for me. All hail the Moon King!!

Moog Matriarch, Moog Minitaur, Elektron Digitakt II, and some guitar!


Day 28. Another fast jam. I wanted some vocals this time and used Microfreak’s vocoder for that (“Moonlight, guide my way”). I went for C minor as I felt this needed more of a sad vibe.


Day 28. This is a short tribute to the Apollo 11 mission to the moon, an arrangement and cover of “Fly Me to the Moon” by Bart Howard and made popular by Frank Sinatra.

Music created in Logic Pro. AI image created with ChatGPT. Video animation done using https://vizzy.io.



Oooh this is nice. The progression and guitar(?) arps give this a feeling of actual ascension and arrival at the moon. Well done!


I totally love these jamuary.org prompts but skipped this one today.

After yesterdays, I did that thing where I use the ‘patch’ and bump the tempo into techno range…played an epic jam/set for an hour, but forgot/neglected to hit record. was exhausted so I left the patch and recorded another jam on that patch tonight.

I cut out a tiny section that was dodgy. I didn’t add any fx in post this time after I read a post about keeping the dynamics in live recordings. planning to go back to some earlier recordings and check this theory. actually pretty happy with my levels and ‘mix’ with zero mixing, no level changes, eq, compression or anything post recording.

Usual config: SubPhatty through A4, Easel, Solar 42F, Perkons, Pulsar, couple of bonus drums from MD and A4…OT on midi, A4 on gates.

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Almost took a day off jammin 'cause of heavy tinnitus and pain in my left ear but… As I started working on this idea in the early morning I could not let go of the idea (plus the wife is a BIG DnB fan and was not amused that there where non in the Jamuary jam list yet…)

Used my oldschool way of working, tweaking a sample to 180BMP and make it fit in a loop so I can write around it. It was the go-to way back in 1998 when I was still big into hardcore/gabber music and it seems the trick still works out, only this time for a different genre.

I also really love that the MC505 (my first synth ever) shows that it is still relevant after 25 year and can still bring the right DnB drums when used properly :slight_smile:


Howling at the moon from the dance floor! Boom Boom Boom Boom
Love the melodies and the funny treated vocals.
Bollywood on the dance floor…

Decided to cover Bright Eyes today: Jan 28

I’m refusing to be brought down by such a crappy crappy day.


Day 28 of #jamuary2025 and my prompt was a jam to the moon, so approached it as different parts of a trip to the moon, though a fairly fast one. #synthstromdeluge


@JoeL8X Nice jam Joe. I like the jangly guitar! The percussion at the end is cool.

@cabotageksm Lovely piano! The spacey reverb gives a lovely Moon feeling

@Yuteimusic The bass line is very cool! Freaking good jam!

@DroneSinger This made me smile. I heard the sax before I read the text and it instantly hit me. Fly me to the moon indeed! I need to get out my guitar synth for some cool sax.

@Soupoclap Fabulous sounds! Great dystopian feel. A huge change from @DroneSinger 's happy mood. It just goes to show how we can interpret things is such different ways.

@dreamindani Cool cover Dani! Hope your day is indeed happy. My day is great, my grandson has just been born!!! I won the better then the lottery…

@DesertWolf An interesting trip! I would like to go on it.


I went to the moon to record this; an endeavor almost as self-indulgent as the time I spend mangling the drums from the OP-1 in this track. :rocket: :first_quarter_moon_with_face:

Made with:
OP-1 (OG)


thought the cat was going to tweak the filter when it came in!

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Long droney piece for Solar/Lyra.