I used “Joe” for the bass lines and chords, and made a euclidian sequence for “Joseph”. There’s one melody towards the end that I cheated on and added a couple of extra notes.
Day 29. My first name is Jussi, so my notes are A4, G#5, F#5 and G#4. I used those notes in two weird lead sounds which are panned right and left. I’m happy that I didn’t make any mistakes in my performance. Well, I made one, but I managed to hide on the spot.
My name is DANI so I chose the notes corresponding to that. Turned into a midwest-emo-type complete with a dragging bassline that was impossible to write drums for
I did not go off the prompt today. Just some crazy music. I manually slowed it down at the end on different devices so some come down quicker than the others. I think it starts at BPM 144 but I’m not sure what I got down to.
Fun prompt, started with Matt, then Matthew ended up be C7… I sneakily used my first and middle name in order for the bass line. The melody is Matthew, but again I had to mangle it with a tape delay so it didn’t get too monotonous.
Made with:
Expert Sleepers Disting EX (Augustus Loop Tape Delay)
Day 29. A melodic ambient piece based on today’s prompt. Using the list, the notes that make up the motif for my first name are: A5 - G#4 - D4 - G5 - D5 - F5. Since the G#4 is not in the key of C major, I changed it to G natural, resulting in: A5 - G4 - D4 - G5 - D5 - F5. I then used this create two arpeggios, one at tempo and one slower, to play against each other. I then played a solo over the arpeggios using only the notes from the motif, but in a different order. The result is a serene, meditative piece.
Created in Logic Pro. AI image created with ChatGPT. Video animation made in: https://vizzy.io
@JoeL8X I like the name of the jam, it truly fits the prompt the right way. It feels very upbeat, does it also fit your personality? That would totally be the cherry on top for this jam!
@Expensive_Notes Nice combination of synths again, feels like John is in kind of a hurry, has to make sure to be there on time and has to stay sharp in order to reach that goal, but is confident he will make it.
I am sure John will make it!
@MyopicMycelium Dance is back on the menu! Great vibes and as always tight sound mixing.
@cabotageksm Good vibes in the loop, was too distracted by the visuals that I was not able to solve the name it should spell
@kyrillik Love that I was not sure where this was going the first 20 seconds but when the beat starts it totally passed the vibe check and even keeps on giving. Respect that you can do this live!
@Yuteimusic Really chill but also a tad dark vibes, lovely filter that ties it together. Handeling those bunch of desktops very well live!
@FriendlyVisitor For one or another reason the files never start playing in my Firefox enviroment, is there another place where I can find your jams?
@Soupoclap great Ambient vibes, top notch sound design like always and it keeps on giving and growing like it’s something organic.
This is my second NanoStudio jam. I had to do it standing up for two hours on a train…
Combining a fixed scale with a substitution cipher that gives you non-diatonic notes was a recipe for disaster when trying to zoom in and out with one hand on an iPhone. I tried my children’s names to start with doing a question and answer thing but it sounded a bit weird. This is my name as the opening motif then it descends in semitones with some modifications. Given the circumstances I’m just happy to have put something together!