Prompt: write the music that only you can write!
I’ve been working on this on and off all day during breaks from work. I knew I wanted guitar & I also got a steal on a Pocket Piano which arrived this morning that I had to make a part for. Other than that, it’s the Moog Minitaur on bass, the Digitone II on piano, and the drums were a mix of the Digitakt II and Superior Drummer.
Thanks to all of you here, it’s been so fun listening to everyone’s jams and this community is so supportive and kind. I hope to keep hearing from y’all throughout the year on the various platforms. I’m on Instagram & BlueSky as @joeL8X if you care to connect!
@kyrillik Lots of cool snappy beats and synth lines. Nice bass. I don’t normally care for vocal samples (quotes) by tour mangling of it was cool!
@JoeL8X Lovely happy track Joe. Thanks also for your music and community spirit!
@beto And thank you for setting up Jamuary. Pity you couldn’t be more involved. All the best!
Jamuary 2025 (Final)- A Tale of SY1000 and Techno machines RD-6 TD-3
Last Jamuary Prompt: Freeform. Write the music that only you can write!
Sooo. Here I play the SY1000 guitar synth (patches: Replicant & Slip and Glide) and use the RD-6 and TD-3 as backing. Funny enough, the original 303s were meant for this purpose before they were used in other creative ways! And of course I couldn’t do it in 4/4.
Too many hands required to do this properly so I overdubbed the guitar synth so I could still have fun with the TD-3 knobs!
It’s the final one! Thanks to everyone for all the comments and watching! It’s been real fun listening to everyone’s jams throughout the month! Thanks @beto for hosting this site!
It was a pleasure to share this “challenge” with you and listen to your uploads. I really appreciate the undeserved nice reviews that I received.
Thanks @beto to set the pulse.
This is a little jam made with an e-bow.
Day 31. I did it! We did it! I’m so happy and little bit surprised that I managed to do this every single day. My goals were to have fun, make a jam every day and learn my gear. I succeeded 3/3! This last jam is nothing special, but enjoyed doing this. Now I’ll take a glass of sherry to celebrate this accomplishment. Well done all of us!
Amazing work everyone! I hope you all feel as proud as I do.
This month has been so much fun and I’ve learnt a ton hanging out with you guys
It’s a wrap! 31 tracks—what a journey!
Not at home and only with a crappy notebook that really lives a life on its own.
Just dropping this for now, will get back to all the awesomeness when I am back home again.
Here’s some ambient synth music.
Used the jupiter strings on the Roland Fantom X-6, a separate sequence going on the Arturia Microfreak (30BPM). There’s a couple loops going I recorded from some ipad apps, and both the Alesis Nanobass (harmonics), and Korg MS2000R (sub bass) are being triggered by the Roland, with a random arp (60BPM), and I manually played those high string sounds that start about halfway through with the Roland A49 controller (midi in to the Roland jupiter strings sound).
Todays prompt triggered my perfectionism badly and was perfect for me setting a high bar for myself Although the result of the day isn’t even close to the level of that bar I’m not unhappy with the result. I’ll probably use this idea later on for a full track.
This song is a cathartic ending to Jamuary. I’ve had a sketch of this melody in my voice notes on my phone since january 9th but didn’t quite know what to do with this. When I saw this prompt, I went back to my singer songwriter roots - using all the skills I learned throughout this month to make something that I’m really proud of.
So here’s to Jan 31!
At last the final day of #jamuary2025 ! I don’t feel I am leaving on as high a note as I should but things were just not clicking. Thank you all for spending time with me and giving your likes and comments, I appreciated all of it. #synthstromdeluge
Sending things off with Terra and Cosmos. Can’t believe we’re done!
Funny thing with this jam, it took a while to start and get into… I had to remind myself that I can still jam in February!
Made with:
Expert Sleepers Disting EX
Erica Synths Dual FX
That jam turned out better than fine! Great jam for the end of a great month (musically)!