Prompt: step on the gas and wipe that tear away
BPM: 200-400
Key: any
Oh my this will be fun!!
Jamuary 2025 - Flat Out But Slow - Bespoke Teensy Synth with a Slow Volca Keys
A Fast Sequence on my Bespoke Teensy Synth but with a Slow Volca Keys
I let it brew for a few seconds in the intro and then it just rips. It takes a couple of breathers along the way, but not for long. I enjoyed making this.
The acid-like bassline is from the Erica Synths DB-01. The other bassline is a Moog Minitaur. The drums/percussion are on the Elektron Digitakt II and the keys are the Elektron Digitone II.
Awesome. Power and excitement. 100m sprint… Great sounds and flow.
This is going to be fun, the style of music coming close that BPM is what made me want to be able to write music in the first place. Gabber or as we call it Hardcore over here in the Netherlands.
Just making this little logo was tons of fun, can’t wait to get into the studio when the kids are asleep tonight
Let me throw on my Aussie tracksuit and lace up my Nike Air Maxes.
Woohoo! I hit the pedal to the metal and zoomed into 8-bit land on this one! lol
Since this is supposed to be a fast tempo piece, I decided to create an 8-bit style music demo for a theoretical 8-bit game with a 50’s Rock 'N Roll and racing car theme.
Hold on to your hats!
250 BPM / Key: “C”. Music created in Logic Pro. 8-bit image created with ChatGPT/Dall-e. Animation done in OpenAI’s Sora.
Day 7. Super tired after work and I didn’t feel like jamming. Did it anyway and got something okish. Tempo is 200 bmp, but it really doesn’t sound like that fast. Because I now can record in stereo, I did some panning to 2 arpeggios.
Jam fast and die young.
This was a really fun day! I’m loving your tracks, so much energy!
Here’s mine, once again from the op-z
This rules, I wish this game was real!
This was nuts. 200BPM, using iOS app Patterning with two ipads running it and changing the patterns manually. another app ripplemaker running that bleeping, and another one with that unsync’d sonar sound.
Today was fun. Completely lost track of time while working on this 200BPM Goa(ish) beat.
Rubber harp running hot at 200 BPM in G min.
Oh wow. This was extremely fast. I ended up writing my drum part at 90bpm and then just cranked it up to 220 on the drumbrute.
Another analog-only day with the only real FX being on the guitar (an amp and pedalboard sim): Jan 7
Also, sorry for not having enough time to listen to all y’all’s amazing work this month. I promise that once I come up for air I’ll listen back and comment on the tracks that I love (of which I’m sure there are many)
I think “ode to 16y old me” is the best title I could find for this track.
He would be proud!
My journey into sound started with an Amiga500 and Protracker when I was just 12 years old coming with the Prodigy song No good (start the dance) and Dj Weirdo and Dj Sim - Go get busy. I had zero understanding how Protracker worked but I was in love…
It took a few years but Hardcore (aka gabber) truly was that one music genre that got me into writing my own tracks. I think I was 16 when I really started to understand a thing or two but back then I could only dream about what I do nowadays.
And I know that 16y old me truly dreamed of being where I am now.
MC505 for Kicks and Perc
Lead JP8000 / Modal Skulpt / Behringer JT4000 to support that good ol JP8000 that truly is on life support right now.
The artwork is inspired by a long time running CD serie called Thunderdome which truly is nostalgic for tons of 70/80 kids from Europe
@Soupoclap Jeezz those are some sounds I truly want to learn more about how you did it! Sounds amazing and something I really want to play with myself! Some of them might be able to do it but I can’t think of any of my synths that will do this on my command. This prompt also seemd to have inspired you to search into some of the LOUDER styles out there
@Gubna this sounds like everything you did is in a rush, and that is ment in the most funny way possible I can totally understand that this prompt is not for everyone but it is truly fun to hear the results! At least they seem to manage to hold on, which is the most important, keep up the creativity!
@vidar nice vibes, kinda game’ish but that can also be me because almost everything in my pixeled realm feels gamish. Love the story it shares, great arrangement. Feels more like a song than a jam, which is always a plus for a Jamuary
@Yuteimusic Great sounds for just that small setup, lovely dreamy and upbeat atmosphere, Very cute setup but big results!
@DroneSinger Woh, this feels like something that could come from an pinball attract mode and feels right at home there! Love the vibes and sounds. Awesome little jam!
I chose 200 bpm.
This is my first jam this year.