Ready for 2025? Let’s make some jams!
Yes! I’m so excited. It’s gonna be a great year for jams!
ready to jam!! Can’t wait to get started soon
ohboyohboyohboyohboyohboy! I have next week off and I’m ready to go!
HI, New here, did beatober2024, made 30 of the 31 days, hoping to do that good if not better with Jamuary2025. I do electronic music, all styles, just depends on what I am feeling and what the sounds says to me.
Any pointers, advice would be appreciated
That’s awesome! I’d say to make the setup around your jams simple enough so you can do it daily but complex enough only to the point of having the most fun. My current plan is to start with guitar and some pedal effects in the beginning, and depending on how things go, I’ll gradually make my jams more involved with other instruments.
Jamuary is going to be my first stop in a one year music challenge I made for myself. I took some time to discuss the challenge, as well as the gear I’ll be using.
Installed a fresh led strip in the studio to enhance the vibes.
Expended the studio with +4 synths.
One more round of double double checking everything tonight and then I should be okay!
Planning to hit the 31 once again!
Jamuary #4, bring it!
Hello all! Just registered to give this a bash this year. 2024 was quite dry for me musically after I spent 2023 writing an album and burned myself out a little. Just a few 16 bar loops and a comedy song I wrote for my children to show for it. Hoping this kickstarts things again - Santa brought a couple toys that will hopefully make an appearance.
Looking forward to seeing the prompts and what everyone comes up with.
It’s almost time!! How’s everyone doing so far?
Studio is ready, now I am mentally preparing and playing as much games as possible to keep that itch scratched for as long as possible ;p
No distractions during my Jamuary!
that’s a good idea!! very stoked to get started soon
Hello all! I’m in for another Jamuary. A few new synth pick ups over the past year:
DSI Mopho, Ambient Zero, Alesis Nanobass, and surprisingly about a week ago the Tangible Instruments Arpeggio (kickstarter) finally showed up after 9 years. Planning to do some dice rolls to choose synth, and delay pedals for some random experimentation.
Last year, I did extra tracks as I typically would but posted my favorite for Jamuary as the main track, and then had a “B Side”. I put them all in my album for the month, which ended up having 55 tracks on it. I expect I’ll do something similar this year. Why not?
Welcome back! That’s a great idea for your “B Side” by the way!
Happy New Year, everyone! Pumped for my second jam, huge thanks to @beto for setting it up!
Just found this through a guy i follow on Instagram. It’s so great. I’m going to my second day and counting!