Challenges Post Jamuary?

I have been enjoying everyone’s submissions! I’m so glad I found this community and get to share my jams and watch yours!

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in participating in a different challenge after jamuary? Not looking to start immediately after, but gauging interest. I was thinking perhaps doing something similar to the “Four Producers” challenge that Andrew Huang and others have started doing.


After doing 2 Jamuaries before I can tell you that I am going to need at least a 4 weeks recovery time after a 31 day music streak to find back my joy in writing but I will keep an eye on what is happening over here after Februari :wink:


In February there’s FAWM (February Album Writing Month), it’s a challenge that’s been going since 2004 where the goal is to write 14 songs in 28 days (well, 29 this year). It’s a big community (~2000 active people, I think), so there’s all kind of genres going on — some people post lyrics, some people do full production, and there’s a lot of electronica as well.

I’ve been doing it since 2016 and I love it. It’s one of the most supportive communities I’ve ever seen, and people will run different “sub-challenges” throughout the month, like pairing with someone at random for a collaboration, or writing a song by mailing a cassette tape around the country and using 4-track recorders.

@gubna, @atam94, @allaboutgeorge, and @Gm7 have done it; there might be other FAWMers here too.

FAWM has a spinoff during (Boreal) summer, starting on July 4th and going til October 1st, called 50/90. The goal is to write 50 songs in 90 days. Fewer people do it (~600), and the atmosphere is much less hectic than FAWM, since there’s more time (though proportionately you need to write more songs).

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I’m down! But maybe not an album? An EP sounds more doable. And I agree with @CarfDarko , I might need a couple of weeks to get my shit back together before diving into another challenge :slight_smile:

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Definitely agree on waiting at least a month to recover!

@beto that sounds really cool, I’ll have to check it out. Doubt I’ll participate this year, jamuary is starting to catch up to me already :smiley: It’ll be good content to follow though

Yeah, it really depends on how you do Jamuary, and how much energy you put in. If you’re doing full production for Jamuary, then it’s really intense and you definitely need a break after 31 days.

I try to use Jamuary to make casual jams that get my creativity warmed up for FAWM, and also that help me get used to the gear. So for me Jamuary is a preparation for February.


Yes, I’ve been doing FAWM since 2018 and last year was the first time I’d even heard of Jamuary, but I think I posted every day but one. Today I’m planning to use the Roland SP404mkII into a microcosm pedal, with additional ios apps from at least one ipad. Once you plug things in, you never know where the devices may take you. I think that both challenges are good and can be thought of as another way to grow.

Jamming is perfect for warming up for more focused songwriting. And that’s not to say what I do with either platforms is “focused”. I have posted electronic jams on FAWM as songs. I see no reason not to if that’s how I want to approach it. It’s still a “song” of some sort.


Agree with everyone that I’ll definitely need some sort of break after January. I think I made it a week in last time before I started skipping days - we’ll see how this one goes!

I love the four producers thing that Andrew does and think it’d be a lot of fun. Though I kind of feel like a DAW would be necessary for that sort of thing, which I don’t use very often, and that makes me a bit hesitant.

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Totally fair. This is my first Jamuary and I’ve been happy I’ve stuck with it thus far. I usually have issues finishing projects or fighting to stay motivated. I like the idea of Jamuary as warmup for a more “serious” challenge in Febuary. I’ll plan for it next year, depending how this Jamuary goes.

@immaculate_abyss Yeah the four producers thing does sound fun. TBH, I don’t think a DAW is necessary. I think a rough breakdown of how the track was made is all that would be needed. I’ll keep you in mind though, if you’re interested. Just need two others.

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A nice video about FAWM:

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I’m planning to pick some jams I made during Jamuary, polish them up into real tracks and publish them.

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Now that Jamuary is over, the recovery can begin!

But after, the recovery, I would like to collab with you amazingly, talented people, if you’re interested. I’d really like to do a four producer challenge, but I need a few people for that. Who all would be interested?


You can put me down. Do need a bit to recover, though!


I’d be interested! But maybe after February? :slightly_smiling_face:

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This was my second Jamuary, and I also use the month to force myself to get familiar with new gear, practice a workflow, and “finish” ideas. After my first Jamuary, last year, I carried that momentum and committed (to myself) to do at least a Jam a month. That worked out pretty well, but also allowed the flexibility to adapt to my work life. There were a couple months when I had to force one at the end of the month, but every time that happened, it reminded me of how I enjoy doing this and that it isn’t a chore. There were also a few months that I created more than a track a week.

After this past year and my 2nd Jamuary, my post-Jamuary goal is to take some of the jams and turn them into a longer, performable set. I am aiming to be able to put together a danceable short set I can perform in the afterhours tent at a small festival.

Also, and I don’t know about others, but both years on Feb 1 my mind turns to how I will set up to do next year’s Jamuary!