Introductions — say Hi!

Hey! I’m a hobbyist and fell down the synth rabbit whole a couple of years ago with the pandemic. I’m a software engineer by day so to avoid more screen staring I’ve been trying to focus on the dawless side of things. I generally just like to make noise but I’m going to give this whole jamuary thing a try!


Hi all,

my name is Florian. Usually I make progressive rock and metal, but I’ve been getting more and more interested in synths for the last few years. I’ve built quite a decent setup but I really don’t feel comfortable with it yet. So I think this is a great opportunity to really dive in to how to actually use my gear :smiley: And also in general to get more comfortable with sharing unfinished/unpolished stuff online. This will be my first time participating in anything of this kind, but I’m very excited for the opportunity

My goals for this JAMuary:

  1. Have fun
  2. Get more comfortable with my synth setup
  3. Try to post something every day
  4. Eventually add video into the mix

I like your goal list, it’s exactly how I feel about it, learn more and write things I probably would not have written otherwise.


Hello there

I am a music person based out of Chicago. On the forums I go by Timshel and release solo music as Sunbear. Short story about me - former person who made music production their work and is now trying to find their way back to enjoying the process. I started years ago playing with bands and recording with cracked versions of Fruity Loops / Adobe Audition. During college I ran into the Monome through a roommate and that really changed the way I thought about writing music.

Jamuary 2020 was the first reset I had since burning out on music production. I’m a huge fan of the Elektron Digitakt, Norns + Monome, and anything that can loop, play with speed, change the sound, etc.

The last two years I focused on getting a stereo mix just to keep up with making a video everyday. This year I’m hoping to multitrack everything on the way to the cassette 2-track so I can expand on any tasty ideas later. This will be my third Jamuary and one goal is to keep the daily jam going for the whole year.

Looking forward to what we all come up with!


Hi all, I am a music hobbyist that also fell down the synth hole starting with Korg Volcas and Nerd Engineerings portable calculators moving to Novation Circuit and bass station and then onto Arturia Microfreak and Drumbrute Impact and finally into the eurorack modular world via VCV Rack.

I am a software engineer by trade and eurorack appeals / excites me and I just don’t get tired of it.

I have a small YouTube channel that is growing and simply trying to maker better music and improve myself.



I’m Oljudas, a hobbyist making mostly electronic music. I play saxophone, bass, some guitar and mandolin, but for jamuary I will only use electronic instruments.

I tend to buy a lot of stuff and then not use it enough, so this year I will focus on two recent purchases that haven’t got the attention they deserve:

The Sonicware SmplTrek which I backed on kickstarter a while back, and got pretty recently. It’s a sampler with a focus on making tracks, which is something I’m pretty bad at, so maybe it will help me produce more songs, that’s what I hope at least.

Secondly the Nunomo Qun mk 2, a small groovebox/synth, which I’ve had for a couple of moths, but never really sat down with.

My hope is to find a workflow that makes it easy to create whole tracks with just these two instruments, and then use them in February Album Writing Month (

I will post my jams at my instagram account, @oljudas. If you wanna listen to some silly tunes I wrote on the nanoloop fm you can check them out at


Hi, I’m Paul from Minneapolis, MN. I created the drum machine pattern book Pocket Operations.

My tools range from small (OP-Z) to large (Matrixbrute), and eccentric (oscilloscope music and Eurorack). I work in Ableton but also love recording to 4-track devices like Fostex X18 and Tascam DP-006. This is my first Jamuary, and I’m excited for it!


Hello everyone,

I started making music as a teen on a Tascam 4-track and eventually moved onto making beats and loops with Acid and digital multitracking. I pursued a degree in audio engineering and went down the endless rabbit hole of tape loops, creative mic’ing techniques, and field recordings. Working in a professional studio exposed me to gear and instruments that I had only heard or read about and with that exposure came a new found love for two things: the Rhodes electric piano and synthesizers. My latest musical creative journey started about 10 years ago when I bought my first Rhodes and an EHX delay pedal; soon after that I bought a minibrute and fast forward to present day, I work for an immersive audio company and have gone down the black hole of eurorack and guitar pedals….and I love it! The tape loops and Rhodes are never far away, and neither are the contact mics, field recordings, and 4-tracks.

Excited to participate in my first Jamuary!


Well hey there!

My name is J. I’ve been making music since 2019. I started with GarageBand and its stock plug ins, making beats for a project at work.

January 2020 my buddy got me a Pocket Operator for my birthday and down the rabbit hole I went.
My currents set up is a Microfreak, Microbrute, Model:Samples and a Reface CP all controlled by an OPZ and a Keystep 37, all running through a Tascam Model 12. …some other pedals and pocket operators hanging around as well.

This is my first time really sharing my stuff.
Happy Jamuary yall!

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Hi all… love the notion of Jamuary but severly lack the time to fully engage but always try to at least churn something out as a way to get the year moving creatively.

Im based in Manchester and bounce between the modular, ciat lombarde, guitars and ouds. My bandcamp is mostly live recordings of my modular/CL set up…a journal of learning if you will…

Looking fwd to hearing people’s sounds to get through the bleak winter month(s).



Hi everybody! I’m a Twitch streamer, and live looping artist out of Austin. On my streams I do improv, and long form, multi track song looping.

I’m excited to take part in Jamuary again! I did it once before in 2020, but I never shared any of the jams. So far so good, three days, three jams, and I’ve not only posted all three, but I’m learning about new platforms I was scared of before!

I’ll be doing some of my jams live on stream, and I’m posting all of the individual loops in my discord for collabs with y’all. So come hang out, talk gear, give me jam prompts and let’s make stuff!


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Hi all,

I’m Johann, I play piano and I live in France (150km south to Lyon)
I’ve been playing for a long time now, if you feel curious about what I’ve done before there is a little website : Johann Bourquenez
I discovered the Jamuary thing on Mastodon, in the evening of day 01, and decided I could join the party, with only the piano. So I compose, practise and record a piece every morning since then.
It’s challenging, and it’s fun!

See you

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I’m Josh, but some people call me Gubna, it was a nickname my old drummer gave me years ago. I make weird electronic music, but I’ve played in bands, playing bass and guitar too. I’m still using the first daw I bought and have never upgraded, Cakewalk Sonar 8.5. I know it’s old, but there’s still features I’ve never learned on the thing.

Now, I’m just trying to get better at making songs and generally any excuse to make music is good for me. I heard of this Jamuary from @beto a few weeks back and thought I’d try it.


Hello, just stumbled here after seeing a mention by @Starthief
This is my first Jamuary. I only found about it the last day of January 2022 so I’m excited to participate this year. My brother and I are pushing each other on BandLab.

I’m also posting on SoundCloud with a Jamuary playlist. I’ll post a link in the January 15th thread if I can incorporate that challenge.

I do plan on keeping it mostly modular/semi-modular for week 3, but the first two weeks have been a mixed bag.


Hello! Excited to be here and jam with you all.

I’m making techno-adjacent music with machines in Texas. I don’t come from a particularly musical background (former painter, though). I’ve always loved it so for the past 10 years or so I’ve been doing my best to pay homage to the greats.

My Jamuary goal is to come out with ~31 sketches to use for a release later this year. And as has been the case so far, continue diving deeper into music and gear and learn as much as I can.

I won’t bump threads from past days, but if you’re curious about the past 15 days, I made a private playlist on SoundCloud.