January 11th, 2024

Let’s do the opposite of yesterday!

Prompt: GO BIG!
BPM: 130
Mood: majestic

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Okay, this one sort of follows the prompt.
#jamuary2024 - Roland S-1, Volca Bass and Sample - synced LEDs


All modular. Intellijel Plonk being that bell ringing triggered by Make Noise Tempi.


Apologies for the unboxing bit at the beginning. I was excited and feeling silly!


You definitely went big with those LED strips! :sweat_smile:

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Oh wow, that Nova looks and sounds great! Nicely done.

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I ended up doing half-time because I wrote more of a ballad than anything: Jan 11.mp3

I really loved the way the strings turned out and the slight chord variations made me dig into my music theory a bit!


Those LEDs are hypnotizing! I turned on the video to listen to in the background and got totally sucked in :sweat_smile:

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Time to call in the BIG BOYS.


You bet! I love how I can make my own patterns that follow the beat using sync.

Thanks, glad you enjoyed them.


This is so dramatic! Great sounds and playing.

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Ever have that experience where you are dialing in sounds for a Jam and then by the time you organize things and hit record, you feel your best work is behind you?!? Tonight was a first for me, as I was honing in on the sounds, I took the leap and hit record. The whole jam was the patterns being built, tweaked, and played over live. May not be the best work, but captured the process, and enjoyed the sensation of live performing pressure.

Made with: KSP, OP1, OPZ


I know what you mean. I did one today just like this where the practice patterns were much better.


Here’s mine for today:


I had zero time today (layoffs in my company, staying at a hotel while trying to buy a condo to live, sister is sick and I have to watch her kids), but I didn’t want to break my streak. So I fired up the KORG Kaossilator for Android and recorded a quick jam. It’s a pretty decent app, I got to say!


SP404 doing drums/samples and Terra taking care of the noisy stuff. Terra also did the pad that was sampled into the SP404.


Oh man. I’ve always wanted a Misa Kitara, but didn’t know the Mosi existed! This is going to hurt my wallet.

Jam sounds great. Look forward to seeing what else you do with it.

Well that was awesome. Really catchy.