January 12th, 2024

Prompt: A song for a long lost friend
BPM: 99
Mood: hopeful

#jamuary2024 Langton’s Ant Sequencer with 2 Ants - with Launchpads, Volca FM, Bass, Drum and NTS-1

Now with 2 Ants!
The Teensy is running a version of Langton’s Ant to determine the colour of the squares on the Launchpads. As the sequence increments (see blue pad for sequence position) the NTS-1 is playing notes based on the Ants y position (Red & Orange pads). The Volcas are playing notes based on the white and black pads.


Made a quick psytrance-ish beat and jammed with the Mosi Nova some more.


The Mosi Nova is sooooo coool! Excellent jam.
I wants one precious…
Speaking of which, this music would be great for marching to Mt. Doom.


I was reminded of a jam session i did with my best friend the last time i was in my childhood hometown. This sounds a bit like what we played (with some drums thrown in): Jan 12.mp3



Let’s take a moment and remember the good times we had with people who have long gone their own way in life or beyond.


Lovin those jazzy vibes. it has something upbeat but sad at the same time. Interesting piece!

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I like the story behind the jam, it truly gives the jam a different layer. 99.9% of the times I make music I do it on my own but the times I have jamed with others where always an amazing feeling, when things go right some true magic can happen.

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That intro was so damn epic that your equpiment started to smoke!
I think I have something to youtube later tonight, interesting device.

After a minute it makes me feel like booting up Cyberpunk 2077 once again.

Sweet jam, keep up the creativity!

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That truly is a funny setup, not sure how those ants work but I’m sure they can do a lot of awesome things with that armada of Volcas!

Keep on jammin!

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Polyend/Dreadbox Medusa running into the Hologram Microcosm and Patterning. There’s also an iMini bass sound kind of droning back there, but I’m not sure it’s loud enough to hear. I can’t believe I only now found a “random” setting on the Medusa despite having the synth for several years. There are two “random” arps going, one left, one right. Guess I should take it out of its box more often :frowning:
I’ll dedicate this to Rick, who was a dude I used to jam with when we were growing up. He got into synths before I did and was always into talking about them. He’s no longer with us, but I found a comment he left on a soundcloud track many years ago that somehow I’d never seen - just yesterday.


Followed the prompt for once! Kept the lead live, and left in all the mistakes.

Made with OPZ, OP1, and KSP

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Thanks @CarfDarko! The black box bottom left has a teensy microcontroller in it. I programmed it to use the Launchpads as screen and “keyboard”. The Teensy sends MIDI out to the Synths.

Lovely jam! I’m partial to a bit of guitar myself. Nice work.

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Yes, I like those jazzy vibes too @Soupoclap. Lovely and relaxing!

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Lovely and poignant @CarfDarko . A friend truely missed…

That is a very cool looking synth @Gubna. It look to be very deep, no wonder you don’t know everything about it.
Your jam sounds very forlorn. I guess we miss people who are no longer with us. But we remember them.

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Terra and Cosmos