The prompt today is from Brian Eno’s Oblique Strategies:
Prompt: Use an old idea
BPM: 101
Mood: Triumphant?
The prompt today is from Brian Eno’s Oblique Strategies:
Prompt: Use an old idea
BPM: 101
Mood: Triumphant?
#jamuary2024 - Sy1000 Guitar Synth, RD 6, TD 3, NTS-1
Playing Guitar at my lovely Wife’s request.
I did cheat for this one as I made the backing track first and recorded the guitar on a second take. I only have one pair of hands…
It is Triumphant, I think, and I use the synth sound from Blade Runner on the SY1000 which is called Replicant.
I didn’t look at the prompt beforehand and I think I matched two of the three. The BPM is different, but I used an old idea and I think it’s kind of triumphant?
For the old idea, I dusted off the PO400. I built it and never did anything with it. Issue with the power supply, which they promptly replaced. I had always intended to do some dawless songs, exploring modular with the PO400 and using the OPZ to control it. Have to say it wasn’t worth the buy, the knobs are super finicky and imprecise. I kept having to tune it because it kept drifting out of tune wildly. A couple years later, I discovered VCVrack, which is infinitely better! Anyway, I think it got a fun feature in a jam and served its purpose.
@beto Is everything going ok with you? I don’t mean to pry! Unless I missed them, I haven’t seen any jams in the last couple days it seems like. Hope everything is good!
Hell yeah! That is a sexy guitar! Love the whole jam! Your wife had the right idea! I’d love to see what you could pull off with the Nova, cause you’ve blown me out of the water with this! (Honestly, I’d like to see what most of you could do with it. especially the texture master @immaculate_abyss ) Some sexy lead playing!
I used to use this technique back in the early 2000s with the Boss DR-660 where I’d add the B part of the kit. First it’s just synth bass, then the beat comes in. This 770 has the same synth bass. Then there’s some other weirdness going on. Or is that war going on in the background?
Yes it is! Cool jam @Gubna, I like the laid back beat especially.
Grand and majestic. Lovely flow.
Well today felled like I’ve been to the gym to do a true creative work out that would normally take a little longer… In game design we would call it crunch time!
IF today’s jam would succeed I truly had to find the right mindset and piece at mind to be able to write what I want do with todays prompt as it really comes on a perfect time to combine a few projects.
I tried it before and I succeeded only 50% of the times ;p
About 11 years ago I met a guy on an old gaming website screwattack, he was uploading his videos on there and it was a good show that attracted some audience. It was called GameTheory. The guy was just having fun with windows movie maker, sharing his theories about gaming in a fun way. I send him a note, lemme know when you are in need of a theme song or some background music whenever.
Then he started to upload on youtube. Used some of my tracks as background music, which was pretty awesome. Then he asked me to write a theme song for a new channel that was about to be launched. He was like make it sound like the Lego movie, everything is awesome. And so I wrote a simple dance song that became Phase Shift, the intro for Filmtheory. Around that time the dude was already a big youtuber. I am not even sure if I wrote the other themesong before or after that time but that show failed anyway (rip Deadlock!) but mainly thanks to matpat and the things I wrote for him I started to attract some audience on my own channel.
Now let me say first that I am not the kind of youtube creator that upload things to please an audience, I just have my own playground and if you like what I do, you are more then welcome to stay and hang out but I don’t care about numbers, statistics, best way to atttract an audience.
I just do whatever I want, just as I like it
Anyways, after more then 10 years of doing big things on youtube my old buddy Matpat has decided to say farewell to the internet which inspired me to revisit and try to write something with the original file that I wrote the theme song with.
The whole thing with Gametheory/Filmtheory is a how a big part of my audience has found me and from that a tiny percentage has stayed, liking my work, and the best comments I’ve ever received are people that I’ve seem to inspire to try and write music.
And people that tell me that my music has, by now, became part of there nostalgia folder.
Those are the kind of achievements that truly are making me happy doing what I do.
Therefor this jam is dedicated to a friend that has enabled me to share my music with the rest of the world, 'cause if there is ONE statistic on YT that I DO like, it is the world map, seeing that my music truly has taking it’s ride all over the planet, and that is a thing 12 year old me, who started with an amiga500 in 1994, could only have dreamed about.
The jam worked out, me and my creative alter ego are happy.
Keep on jammin my friends <3
Sooo I’ve got pretty much no treble in this because I was getting a lot of buzzing in my mix and I didn’t like it… so enjoy the sultry sounds of wall-to-wall bass: Jan 17.mp3
This “old idea” is a chord progression that was recorded almost a year ago on my phone while messing around with my partner’s nylon string.
That’s a very interesting back story. Great jam to go with it, lots of great elements, styles and the grand chords are cool! Lovely piano and strings at the end.
Another great prompt! For this one I revisited the patterns from the first jam I liked during my first Jamuary (last year, on Jamuary 4). It’s pretty simple, but it was a whole moment being the first creation I made that I really felt satisfied hearing. To revisit, I changed up the voices, added some different phrasing, and overhauled the performance FX. Certainly recognizable, but a whole different sound and vibe. A very nostalgic Jam tonight. To cap it off, I also revisited the song’s art and extended the image to encompass a view of the horizon not there last year.
Made with: KSP (keystep pro), OP1, OPZ
An old folk song, rebooted.
Nerdseq plus Rings plus a couple of Distings (FM poly, SD Multisample) for voices. Rings was kind of a pain in this one.
It is a nice progression. I think you have invented a new genre. What will you call it?
Lovely track @mmk230 Matt. Beautiful sounds. The art work is fabulous too!
I have been listening to simple songs with my Granddaughter lately. This is a great way to freshen one or two up. Nice
Use an old idea… alright, attempt at sequencing Lyra #112398. Hapax talking to the Lyra with gates into 4 banks of 2 on the Ornament-8 and the SP404 doing drums. Sorta worked, I guess - sequenced but still basically unintelligible. Some day I’ll get something melodic out of it!
Skynet has awoken… and surprisingly chill for a war!
SOMA make some great devices but they seem to need a new way of thinking to get them. I don’t think I would have the patience for it myself. You have made a good start!