January 18th, 2024

Last night I finally bought a condo and moved in! Hoping to assemble a mini studio and get back to jamming!

Prompt: busy
BPM: 147


Congratulations on your new condo!
Some of this is busy… Well at least weird
#jamuary2024 - ROAT with ISD1820 LoFi Sampler - Game noises Jam

ISD1820 Lo-Fi Sampler with Pitch control.

The sample is from the ROAT.

Valhalla Super Massive Reverb Added afterwards.


Got a new handpan today and knew I wanted to do an ambient jam with it. This turned out…quite different than I expected. The MiniFreak is running a washed out arp. I’ve got two serum patches for two more PADs and then another serum patch for the bass. Each clip on the push has a different note for them to play and they are set to randomly jump to another one after playing.

I never use my voice, there’s only one video out there of a badly made Lollipop by Lil Wayne remix. But, today the muses declared I should do vocals. There’s a couple monologues and then I sing. I apologize for the bleeding ears. Thankfully, I buried the singing way past the average view time :smiley: There was more lyircs and another monologue but I got too embarrassed. And yes, that is a sock as a boom filter


Very nice jam, I can only imagine how fun it must be to play around with a handpan. Also interesting to hear the vocal part, it truly gives the jam a unique twist.

Please don’t be embarrassed with anything creative you’re trying to do, I think it is save to say that there is enough respect from everyone over here to totally understand that we all trying to do what we want to do best, make awesome music, and we all do it our own way <3

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It’s indeed very Atari sound like, sound great with the fx pedal. Making an arrangement with this must be a great but fun challenge!

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I have actually been super busy the last two days - so i had to fit this one between a few appointments: Jan 18.mp3

It’s a one-shot on my Boss looping pedal with my Les Paul. It’s thrown through the Moog Grandmother live so that I can mess with the filters and spring reverb. Some light effects in post to fill the digital space the same way that I heard it in my room. It’s a big longer than usual, but I think it’s worth making the space for longer sorts of sketches like this… some riffs just need time to breathe.


Happy new home, @beto! :house_with_garden::sparkles:


Jackhammering has been going on since yesterday across the street so it’s a bit mind numbing for creating. I did think about just having a drone, a mind numbing drone, just a constant annoying sound. Congrats @beto on the new digs!

But, this is all iOs apps. It has Patterning with a few different kits, one is the Optigan which is that weird carnival type sounding thing, and me playing Geoshred lead.


Well so far I’ve been busy myself the last couple of weeks!

Today I ended up with a kinda Jet Set Radio funky vibes.
Vocal lines downloaded from mushino on freesound.org
second time his voice was a very welcome thing for a jamuary jam.


The whole thing was just luck that any of it sounded okay. Bits are alright, but it is a jam and things go wrong and sometimes right.

Nice and languid like Pink Floyd did well. Leave space for the music to breathe. Sounds like you are enjoying experimenting, cool playing. Well done!

Great track Carf! Love the vibe of it, especially the feel of mucking about.

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Really enjoyed the energy of this. The cool changes are great. Lots of fabulous sounds too. The Kick!!!

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I am not totally sure what you mean with mucking lol but I do know you mean it in the best way possible :wink:

While doing the instrumental part I had a feeling I was missing something so I asked a friend who only said the word:


And I was like, fuck why I don’t just download a random rap thing from freesounds from that one dude I’ve used vocals from earlier this jamuary.
For me the most important was that it just fills up that one thing I was missing.

Sadly it was already too late to play around with the granualizer…

It was fun playing around with vocal samples again, been a long time since I did that.

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I think the beat is influenced by the jackhammer, in a good way! I do like Geoshred as an app, it’s fun to play. The Opigan sounds good,

I did mean in a nice way, like you are having fun. There is a sense of joy to it. :partying_face: :tada:

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Fun is one of the most important things to keep me going this month.

But along the way I met some awesome creative people and already
learned new things to dive into in 2024.

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Grats on the condo!

Really enjoyed where today’s jam went. Bells from the opsix, STVC for bass, Hydrasynth was the wavy glitchy sound effects, and SP404 for drums. Couple of pedals and the Hapax sequencing.


Very psychedelic! Definite 60s vibe. Cool work!

Very cool. Getting a real creepy vibe from it! Were those rainstick samples in there?