Prompt: include sounds from an animal in your jam — a dog, a whale, birds, an axolotl.
BPM: 117
Key: F major
#jamuary2024 - SY1000 - Pixie Quarrel Looper Jam
I have more respect for people who use Loopers after doing this…
A jam on some of the parts of Pixie Quarrel. I’m not sure what pixies sound like so I used guitar to simulate it,
See the original here if interested:
Yes, mine is not far removed from Ross…
Sample of my feral backyard cat Chaco, as controlled by the Boss Dr770 (with synth bass!) Yes, it’s silly!
Oh, and here’s the image from the failed bucket battery jam from yesterday. I think it almost goes with this one somehow!
I’m still not a plumbutter expert by any means but had fun making a wave of sounds with it this morning
Recorded some sleepy dogs waking up and going outside this morning: Jan 26.mp3
Caught some birds and a couple of honking horns too
Looks tough! I couldn’t imagine recording on such a small looper after using the rc-300 for so long
Gorgeous noise. You have such a steady hand, i’m jealous!
This track has a cozy feel to it!
I have a massive backlog of jams to listen and respond to and a major case of creative fatigue tonight…
After I was able to finally find something to play around with I could not even be bothered anymore with the video and the song title…
There is always a tomorrow.
Jam is not bad, but it truly felled like I was pushing my creative alter ego into a grape press and squeeze, and squeeze some more, until something finally came out to play around with.
It is, I’m not practiced with loopers, usually play with others or drum machines.
It didn’t help that I was using my non preferred foot to press the switches!
This is great. Silly and cool at the same time. If only you had a video for YouTube, you would have a million views by now!
Sounds great @atam94. It seems to be a fun device to play with.
@MyopicMycelium hit it on the head. Very cozy!
Cool sounds. I like the tone of the guitar. You even have a smoke machine!
I like this, it sounds like a demented circus to me. Or something vaudevillian…
Haha that is EXACTLY what I was going for, sadly I was not able to find any matching background that goes along with it but I am glad you recognized the vibes as i intended to.
After strugglin for +90 minutes with just a whole lot of meh ideas I just gave in and started to just try any synth randomly to find a patch that triggered something… It was the whining/haunting sound the skulpt suddenly offered that started this jam. Not the first time that lovely little fucker does unexpected things for me and kickstart something unexpected <3
Well done then, it certainly got what you wanted!