Slothcore is a new genre of music that is “very slow (like 20 - 40bpm), dirty & with long pauses to simulate naps. Perfect music for that overworked college/university student in your life.”
Prompt: write a slothcore song
BPM: 20-40
Slothcore is a new genre of music that is “very slow (like 20 - 40bpm), dirty & with long pauses to simulate naps. Perfect music for that overworked college/university student in your life.”
Prompt: write a slothcore song
BPM: 20-40
Haha, I LOVE my slothcore jam from last year, another one of those jams I would never have written otherwise.
Had a lot of fun ribbing that AN1x ribbon pad with a feedback effect <3
Going to be fun to take… things… slow… again…
Also great for a monday!
I’d already set this up for today, so sorry no slothing about…
I’m interested to hear what people come up with for this prompt!
#jamuary2024 - Launchpad Physics with Volcas and NTS 1
Teensy based Launchpad MIDI controller plays notes based on particles bouncing around hitting edges. Synths played: Volca FM, Bass, Keys and NTS-1.
I could listen to that all day, it makes sense to me somehow. Reminds me of molecules in a box bouncing around.
Thanks. That’s the plan! I had to restrain myself otherwise it would have been too long.
I agree with @originaljimdandy, I could get lost in this for hours! Reminds me of my time working in a hosptial laboratory. I wonder what great orchestras I missed from the samples I worked on. …well some of them… I would not want to hear the orchestra that a C. Diff specimen came from
Great track! The teensy launchpad stuff you do is always great!
Thank you. It is mesmerising isn’t it. And just by altering the particles trajectory it changes into something else.
This was fun to watch and listen to! Great to see a few of the Volcas hanging out together there as well
I always enjoy the rare opportunity to do a late night/early morning session. That’s what happened this time Like yesterday, I felt inspired by the new desk setup that I have… hope you enjoy listening!
Setup Notes:
Telecaster - Volume Pedal - Blooper
Plumbutter 2 Gongue - Deerhorn Organ (Left Deerhorn)
Volca FM - Deerhorn Organ (Right Deerhorn)
Tape Loop (Kalimba w/MOOD MKII) - MOOD MKII
Deerhorn Organ - Habit
Minilogue XD
Field Recordings (Office Fountains)
Ableton FX - Valhalla Supermassive
Guitar Tuning - FACGCE
that drum buildup though
very nice slothcore jam
I never have been able to write so much antici…
…pation into one drum buildup.
Listening back the first time I was just laughing out loud and knew it was perfect for just this project.
I made a modular piece before I saw this prompt but I have made slothcore before. Intellijel Plonk is going off here and there and there’s some noise generated by Radio Thing which has some actual radio sounds going, but it’s fed into one of the oscillators so it sounds like someone talking “static”. There’s also the TC electronic Flashback IV mark 2 on the “crystal” setting for that faint shimmering sound. And Eventide Space for the overall reverb.
All guitar today. Had some fun mixing together pedals I’ve never combined before: Jan 29.mp3
All virtual on the Zoom G3n: Compressor, Space Hole Reverb, Orange 120 Amp through a FD-14x10 Cab
Also, i have no idea if this is actually Slothcore. I have never heard of this genre
Today I created a jam with my new synth: the Sonicware Liven Mega Synthesis:
And believe it or not: the song is actually 50 BPM, but I might have doubled the tempo on most tracks
Sorry, only had 45 minutes today to come up with something…
The boops play off the orchestra so well. What a world!
Love this tuning. There’s something so open about it
the slowest bop i’ve ever bopped to. great job!
really leaned into the slow on this one. NICE! Love how things start very closed off and the bits of silence usher in the bigger sounds.