January 2nd, 2023

Day 2


Happy Jamuary 2nd everyone. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks for the comment yesterday from Largeman who asked to hear more. You changed my mind, and rather than post short excerpts I’m just gonna upload the entire sets. Warts and all. It’s good practice. I’m aiming for about 30m sets but today already I went over and did 47m (I swear it felt like half an hour).

Anyone just wants to jump to a highlight, I think the transition around 32:50 is kinda neat.

This one went a bit sideways:)
Sweet Dreams are not made of these…

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This is based on a MIDI loop played through my Korg NTS-1, with settings tweaked live. I didn’t have a lot of time today, so I added a couple of loops I’d already made including one from my Volca Drum.

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Basic MIDI Loop from Renoise controlling a pitch CV and gate for a Neutron. Actual modulation through a clocked SQ-1 and Peaks. Plaits is supposed to arrive tomorrow!

Oliveros Gob · Jam2

Same as yesterday but added Drezno for some interesting modulation of the filter bank. Working on structure. Not there yet.


Learned how to use ableton to handle midi routing, which brought the OP1 into the picture. A lot of fun discovering I can route the midi notes coming off the OP1’s tombola to an unused OPZ synth channel. Started messing with the randomness on the KSP and learned about buffer size in recordings. Not my favorite live version, but the pieces are all there.

Made with: Keystep Pro, OPZ, OP1

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For today’s jam I used with my reel-to-reel recorder, playing a loop that I recorded from my #organelle. I’m planning to use the reel-to-reel on a more complex project* next month, and I wanted to see if I could make a tape loop for it. It turned out to be much easier than making cassette loops! :slight_smile:

(*Next month I’m planning to host a 24-hour long Zoom session, playing a loop in the reel-to-reel. Other musicians will be able to join the Zoom meeting and play whatever they want — jam together, bang pots, recite a poem. Because Zoom can record each participant’s audio in a separate track I’m planning to mix-down everything later into a shorter song. I’m super curious to see what’s going to happen and how it’s going to turn out.)


Big encouragement to all you day two posters - listening to your tunes this evening and being very inspired. Bed-time meditation vibes on this one…

02 - Sound Through Symbol

Prompt: “Make a song without an intro”

Made with:

  • Buchla Music Easel
  • home-made ondes Maretnot-inspired métallique diffuser
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Used the 90bpm, key of C, no introduction prompt.

Not bad but could be better.

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First day trying out a consistent setup. Digitakt and Syntakt running into Ableton. BARP 2600 into a bunch of guitar pedals through a preamp into the Digitakt for sampling.

Nice to see so many folks keeping with it!

FYI for anyone who doesn’t know…you can embed your youtube video on this forum by copying the link to your video.

Then replace the /watch?v= with /embed/


I hear that. First day back at work after a couple of weeks off, plus a dentist appointment after work… motivation might be a challenge.

I enjoyed your track :+1: Lyra-8 has such a distinctive sound on its own, I appreciate it when people bend it to other things.

Can’t get enough of this modular rig!

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Jamuary 2nd with Spence Pants

Went to my buddy’s yesterday and we laid this down. He’s controlling his Model D and a Crave with his Circuit Tracks and Im playing my Model:Samples and MicroFreak. All ran through Tascam Model 12.

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Break sampled from Eurorack to tape, then increased playback speed. Added some synth bass from Braids and a lead from Matrixbrute. I also spent way too long making an ambient layer from some bells in the Morphagene.

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When it came time to make the video for this one, there wasn’t really room for another guitar or anything, so it’s shaker time!


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