Prompt: Do something unexpected
BPM: 87
Mood: optimistic
Well, this one would be unexpected! I think it’s optimistic, not sure if it has a BPM!!
#jamuary2024 - Blippoo for Wingie2 and Monotron Delay Jam
The Blippoo program for the Wingie2 just makes weird noises…
Jam #9 already!
Not sure what will happen tomorrow but happy with the progress so far!
Just go with the flow, you know, this might be truly inspiring for tomorrows jam!
I think I will setup my Crave with a bassline and a beat with one of the grooveboxes, prepare some crazy sounds on the synths and some FX and just jam!
Sorry, it is tomorrow here already…
Sounds good! They seem to be good. Go with it!
Lol true, but there is still sleeping time in between for me.
I do like the look of the MicroFreak (The keyboardRD) doesn’t bother me. I think it’s good you can get the mini now with proper keys. The Field looks like fun but I could buy a new high powered computer for the cost it is in Australia!
Anyway, I’m glad you have such gear and can make such lovely music with it. Lush and beautiful. Well done!
Monome Norns, Generation Loss, piano, and field recordings from Australia. Major keys are optimistic, right?
Very chill! I love the footage that you paired with the music as well
This one kinda feels like a party with the Mad Hatter: Jan 9.mp3
The “something unexpected” is a melotron patch I’ve never used. I really like it - very Abbey Road/Strawberry Fields. Would love to know what others think.
This is all from the microfreak, multi tracked into my Tascam DP008EX. Started with the beat - which is a little weird because I recorded a loop with the microcosm for part of it, so it sync’s and unsync’s. then I let the bass play (arp setting) and recorded that. Then I played the other two key parts separately along which were running through the microcosm on different settings.
@MyopicMycelium Nice! Sounds really good! How do you like the minifreak?
@senescence_ca Very pleasant. I really enjoyed the tree video!
I’m finally back in ambient mode… This track features a tape loop going through MOOD MKII, a pre-recorded guitar loop in Blooper, and live deerhorn organ playing through Habit.
Your party encountered a SURPRISE ATTACK by three hipster vampires carying a boombox and blasting my latest Jamuary jam at you on max volume, doing 3x D8 damage!
Roll for initiative!
Some details.
First half of the track is Genny VST, a Sega Mega-Drive VST that really has that gnarly FM sound I adore.
Second half is the same piece just playing around in the studio, it feels like what it could have been if the same game was released on Sega-CD back in the days.emphasized text
Lovely organised randomness, you did surprise me by really not knowing what to expect next but still managed to keep it all together and organise that lovely noise. Great job
lovely and adventurous story telling jam