Prompt: go outside
Mood: adventurous!
Key: D Major
#jamuary2024 - Volca Bass Polyrhythms and Volca Sample
It’s Jamuary and the Volca Bass is calling to me…
Sorry, too hot to go outside today…
Korg MS2000R has that acid bass sound here, other sounds coming from the Fantom X6 and I looped some of this with the TC Ditto X4.
I like the mix of acid bass with the non acid beats.
I’m a bit late but anyway… here’s my first track! Part of the lyrics are dedicated to beto, back from our 50/90 days… they’ll know which part I’m talking about. Hope you enjoy the listen.
Love the Volca Bass, great jam!
Wicked beat to go with that acid bass!
My partner was sleeping so I couldn’t record in my studio anyway: Jan 7.mp3
I ignored the key prompt since I was on a uke and don’t know as many chords
On point and heartfelt! Nice one.
Does jammin while using public transport count as outside?
Went to Amsterdam to visit my mum who is not doing great
I did not expect myself to do any jam today in the first place…
Still I took a laptop with me only to forget my headphones so I had to buy a shitty overpriced one at the airport during a transfer stop only to enter a train that was too crowded to sit down with my laptop so first half of my travels for today was lost already…
During the way back home, after a long detour and after riding through some of the most akward parts of Amsterdam West I finally found half an hour to sit down and do some jammin!
It was finalized at home but the main sketch was at least jammed outside, kinda
While I did not even count on jammin today at all, I am happy with the result. Feels a bit Metroid but it’s a puzzle game vibes.
Cool track. I like the bird addition.
You should be applauded for even getting a track done.
It’s a lovely piece of music and sounds the complete opposite to travelling in crowded transport.
Hope your mum is okay.
It was a wild ride, glad it’s done and that even a shitty day like this can’t get me get away from jammin. Mums is getting old and that stupid post covid thing is not doing anything positive right now. Checking out some wicked jams over here will at least bring some vibes I could use right now. Keep up the creativity <3
You too! I am recovering from Influenza A which was bad enough so I hope your mum gets better soon. And yes I will keep on listening and jamming!!!
Nice work MM! I have been tempted by the OPZ, it can do a lot, but it is so small for my big fingers!
Those Volcas truly are little wolfs in sheeps cloths. Had a friend over a few weeks back who took her Volca Drums and Volca Bass with her and everytime I play around with them they surprize me with something I did not expect from such a lovely tiny box.
They certainly are great, especially sound wise. The only issue I have is the small size of the “Keys”. You probably heard some “jazz” notes in my jam.
That was just a cute jam on multiple levels.